11 Viewing and Setting the Daily Maintenance Window Time

Use these REST APIs to get the current build version and daily maintenance window time, and to set the daily maintenance window time. You can also run the daily maintenance while skipping the scheduled daily maintenance.

Table 11-1 Getting and Setting the Daily Maintenance Time

Task Request REST Resource
Get the Build Version and Daily Maintenance Time (v1) GET /interop/rest/{api_version}/services/dailymaintenance
Get the Build Version and Daily Maintenance Window Time (v2) GET /interop/rest/v2/maintenance/getdailymaintenancestarttime
Setting the Daily Maintenance Time (v1) PUT /interop/rest/{api_version}/services/dailymaintenance?StartTime={N}
Setting the Daily Maintenance Time (v2) PUT /interop/rest/v2/maintenance/setdailymaintenancestarttime
Running Daily Maintenance While Skipping the Scheduled Daily Maintenance (v1) POST /interop/rest/{api_version}/services/maintenancewindow
Running Daily Maintenance While Skipping the Scheduled Daily Maintenance (v2) POST /interop/rest/v2/maintenance/rundailymaintenance