Running Daily Maintenance While Skipping the Scheduled Daily Maintenance (v1)

Use this API (v1) if you want to run daily maintenance while skipping the scheduled daily maintenance.

This topic describes the original version of this REST API. You can also use the simplified v2 version of the REST API. The v2 version contains all parameters in the payload and does not require URL encoding while calling the REST APIs. This makes the v2 API easier to use. The v2 version is backwards compatible.

Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See About the REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.

This API is version v1.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

POST /interop/rest/{api_version}/services/maintenancewindow


Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See Implementation Best Practices for EPM Cloud REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.


The following table summarizes the request parameters.

Table 11-10 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Specific API version Path Yes None
skipNext Specifies if the set maintenance time should be used, true or false String Yes false


Supported Media Types: application/json

Table 11-11 Parameters

Parameters Description
details In case of errors, details are published with the error string
status See Migration Status Codes
links Detailed information about the link
href Links to API call
action The HTTP call type
rel Possible value: self
data Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request
  • Java Code using skipNext: Main method: runDailyMaintenanceWithSkipNext() Helper method waitForCompletion

  • Curl Code using skipNext:

    Main method: funcSetMaintenancewithSkipNext

  • Groovy Code using skipNext:

    DailyMaintenanceWithSkipNextv1.groovy Main method: runDailyMaintenanceWithSkipNext()

Maintenance Window Time Sample Code

Example 11-7 Java Sample –

Prerequisites: json.jar

Common Functions: See Common Helper Functions for Java

public class DailyMaintenanceWithSkipNextv1 {
	private String userName ; // PBCS user name
	private String password ; // PBCS user password
	private String serverUrl ; // PBCS server  URL
	private String lcmVersion = "v1"; // Version of the PBCS API that you are

	public void runDailyMaintenanceWithSkipNext(String comment) throws Exception {
		Scanner in = null;
		try {
			String skipNext = "false";
			JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
			/*Parameter to Skip the next scheduled maintenance report to be run . 
			It is either true or false
			If true the scheduled daily maintenance is run
			If false the scheduled daily maintenance is skipped*/
			params.put("skipNext", skipNext);
			String urlString = String.format(
					"%s/interop/rest/%s/services/maintenancewindow", serverUrl,
			String response = executeRequest(urlString, "POST",
					params.toString(), "application/json");
			waitForCompletion(fetchPingUrlFromResponse(response, "Job Status"),"GET");
		} catch (Exception e) {

		} finally {

	private void waitForCompletion(String pingUrlString, String methodType)
			throws Exception {
		boolean completed = false;
		while (!completed) {
			try {
				String pingResponse = executeRequest(pingUrlString, methodType,
						null, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
				JSONObject json = new JSONObject(pingResponse);
				int status = json.getInt("status");
				if (status == -1) {
					try {
						System.out.println("Please wait...");
					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
						completed = true;
						throw e;
				} else {
					if (status > 0) {
						System.out.println("Error occurred: "
								+ json.getString("details"));
					} else {
					completed = true;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				// services are down, waiting to come up

Example 11-8 cURL Sample –

Prerequisites: jq (

Common Functions: See Common Helper Functions for cURL


funcSetMaintenancewithSkipNext () {


        funcExecuteRequest "POST" $url $param "application/json"

        output=`cat response.txt`
        status=`echo $output | jq '.status'`
        if [ $status == -1 ]; then
          echo "Started Daily Maintainence succesfully"
                funcGetStatus "GET"
        error=`echo $output | jq '.details'`
        echo "Error occurred. " $error
        funcRemoveTempFiles "respHeader.txt" "response.txt"


Example 11-9 Groovy Sample – SetMaintenanceDetails.groovy

Prerequisites: json.jar

Common Functions: See CSS Common Helper Functions for Groovy

class DailyMaintenanceWithSkipNextv1 {

	def userName  // PBCS user name
	def password  // PBCS user password
	def serverUrl  // PBCS server URL
	def lcmVersion = "v1"; // Version of the PBCS API that you are



	void runDailyMaintenanceWithSkipNext() throws Exception {
	    def skipNext = "false"; //true or false based on requirement

		JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
		String urlString = String.format("%s/interop/rest/%s/services/maintenancewindow", serverUrl, lcmVersion);
		String response = executeRequest(urlString, "POST", params.toString(), "application/json");
		waitForCompletion(fetchPingUrlFromResponse(response, "Job Status"));
