List Files (v11.
This API (v11. lists the files in the Planning repository and returns information about the available file and application snapshots.
This topic describes the original version of this REST API. You can also use the simplified v2 version of the REST API. The v2 version contains all parameters in the payload and does not require URL encoding while calling the REST APIs. This makes the v2 API easier to use. The v2 version is backwards compatible.
This API provides details such as name, type, size and last modified time. Size and last modified are not available for LCM snapshots. See About EPM Automate in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
This REST API is version
Required Roles
Service Administrator
Power User assigned to the Migration Administrator Profitability and Cost Management application role
REST Resource
GET /interop/rest/{api_version}/applicationsnapshots
Supported Media Types: application/json
Before using the REST resources, you must understand how to access the REST resources and other important concepts. See Implementation Best Practices for EPM Cloud REST APIs. Using this REST API requires prerequisites. See Prerequisites.
Table 9-25 Parameters
Name | Description |
Details |
Will be published in case of error with the error string |
Status |
See Migration Status Codes |
Items |
Name |
Name of the application snapshot |
Type |
Can be LCM or EXTERNAL Type signifies if this snapshot is for LCM or EXTERNAL. LCM indicates that the file is an LCM snapshot. EXTERNAL indicates that files are not LCM, such as Planning files. |
Size |
Size of the application snapshot in bytes. Available only for type EXTERNAL |
Lastmodifiedtime |
Time in Long value as per the last modified time of the file. |
Links |
Detailed information about the link |
Href |
Link to API call/ status API |
Action |
The HTTP call type |
Rel |
Will be self |
Data |
Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request |
Example of Response Body
The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.
List Files Sample Code
Example 9-9 Java Sample –
Prerequisites: json.jar
Common Functions: See Common Helper Functions for Java
// BEGIN - List all the files in PBCS
public void listFiles() throws Exception {
String urlString = String.format("%s/interop/rest/%s/applicationsnapshots", serverUrl, apiVersion);
String response = executeRequest(urlString, "GET", null);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
int resStatus = json.getInt("status");
if (resStatus == 0) {
if (json.get("items").equals(JSONObject.NULL))
System.out.println("No files found");
else {
System.out.println("List of files :");
JSONArray itemsArray = json.getJSONArray("items");
JSONObject jObj = null;
for (int i=0; i < itemsArray.length(); i++){
jObj = (JSONObject)itemsArray.get(i);
// END - List all the files in PBCS
Example 9-10 cURL Sample–
Prerequisites: json.jar
Common Functions: See Common Helper Functions for cURL
funcListFiles() {
funcExecuteRequest "GET" $url
list=`cat response.txt | jq 'select(.items != null) | .items[].name'`
if [[ ! -z $list ]]; then
echo $list
echo "No files found"
funcRemoveTempFiles "respHeader.txt" "response.txt"
Prerequisites: jq (
Example 9-11 Groovy Sample– ListFiles.groovy
Prerequisites: json.jar
See CSS Common Helper Functions for Groovy
def listFiles() {
def url;
try {
url = new URL(serverUrl + "/interop/rest/" + apiVersion + "/applicationsnapshots")
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
println "Malformed URL. Please pass valid URL"
response = executeRequest(url, "GET", null);
def object = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
def status = object.status
if (status == 0 ) {
def items = object.items
if (items == null) {
println "No files found"
else {
println "List of files :"
} else {
println "Error occurred while listing files"
if (object.details != null)
println "Error details: " + object.details