Get a Substitution Variable Defined for the Application

You can use REST APIs to retrieve a substitution variable defined for the application.

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User (with Rule Launch access)

REST Resource

GET       /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/substitutionvariables/CurrPeriod


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 8-79 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
application The name of the application Path Yes None

Example URL



Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the parameters.

Table 8-80 Parameters

Name Description
name Name of the substitution variable, such as CurrPeriod
value Value of the substitution variable, such as Jan
planType Plan type, such as Plan1, or ALL for all plan types

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body.

    "name": "CurrPeriod",
    "value": "Jan",
    "planType": "ALL",
    "links": [{
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/vision/substitutionvariables/CurrPeriod",
        "action": "GET"