VBA Return Values (Error Codes)

Describes available return values for VBA functions and their respective descriptions to indicate success or failure of the function.

Oracle Smart View for Office VBA functions may return any of the values in Table 3-2 to indicate success or failure of the function.

  • A return value of zero (0) indicates that the function ran successfully.

  • A return value of 1 or 2 indicates that the function ran successfully, but with a condition.

  • Negative return values indicate client issues.

  • A return value of 4 indicates a server issue.


Return values are often referred to as error codes.

Table 3-2 Return Values (Error Codes) and Their Descriptions

Return Value Name Description
4 SS_ERR_ERROR An error specific to the data provider or a generic error that cannot be mapped to a value.

The function ran successfully; however, the function sheet that was submitted contained no grid.


The function ran successfully; however, the function sheet that was submitted was not connected.

0 SS_OK The function ran successfully.
-1 SS_INIT_ERR Initialization error.
-2 SS_TERM_ERR Termination error.
-3 SS_NOT_INIT Initialization error.
-4 SS_NOT_CONNECTED The spreadsheet is not yet connected to the server.
-5 SS_NOT_LOCKED The spreadsheet is not locked.
-6 SS_INVALID_SSTABLE The spreadsheet has become unstable.
-7 SS_INVALID_SSDATA The spreadsheet contains invalid data.
-8 SS_NOUNDO_INFO No Undo information exists.
-9 SS_CANCELED Operation has been canceled.
-10 SS_GLOBALOPTS Not used.
-11 SS_SHEETOPTS Not used.
-12 SS_NOTENABLED Undo is not enabled.
-13 SS_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory resources are available.
-14 SS_DIALOG_ERROR Appropriate dialog box could not be displayed.
-15 SS_INVALID_PARAM Function contains an invalid parameter.
-16 SS_CALCULATING Calculation is in progress.
-17 SS_SQL_IN_PROGRESS Obsolete setting.
-18 SS_FORMULAPRESERVE Operation is not allowed because the spreadsheet is in formula preservation mode.
-19 SS_INTERNALSSERROR Operation cannot take place on the specified sheet.
-20 SS_INVALID_SHEET Current sheet cannot be determined.
-21 SS_NOACTIVESHEET Spreadsheet name was not specified and no active sheet is selected.
-22 SS_NOTCALCULATING Calculation cannot be canceled because no calculation is running.
-23 SS_INVALIDSELECTION Selection parameter is invalid.
-25 SS_CASCADENOTALLOWED Cascade list file cannot be created, or you are attempting to cascade while the spreadsheet is embedded in another document.
-26 SS_NOMACROS Spreadsheet macros cannot be run due to a licensing agreement.
-27 SS_NOREADONLYMACROS Spreadsheet macros which update the database cannot be run due to a licensing constraint.
-28 SS_READONLYSS You have a read-only license and cannot update the database.
-29 SS_NOSQLACCESS Obsolete setting.
-30 SS_MENUALREADYREMOVED The menu is removed already.
-31 SS_MENUALREADYADDED The menu is added already.
-33 SS_NOHANDLES Not used.
-35 SS_LROERROR Not used.
-39 SS_SHEET_PROTECTED The specified worksheet is protected. Unprotect the worksheet and try the operation again.
-40 SS_CALCSCRIPT_NOTFOUND Calc script not found.
-41 SS_NOSUPPORT_PROVIDER Provider not supported.
-42 SS_INVALID_ALIAS Invalid alias.
-43 SS_CONN_NOT_FOUND Connection not found.
-44 SS_APS_CONN_NOT_FOUND Provider Services connection not found.
-45 SS_APS_NOT_CONNECTED Provider Services not connected.
-46 SS_APS_CANT_CONNECT Provider Services cannot connect.
-47 SS_CONN_ALREADY_EXISTS Connection already exists.
-48 SS_APS_URL_NOT_SAVED Provider Services URL not saved.
-49 SS_MIGRATION_OF_CONN_NOT_ALLOWED Migration of connection not allowed.
-50 SS_CONN_MGR_NOT_INITIALIZED Connection manager not initialized.
-51 SS_FAILED_TO_GET_APS_OVERRIDE_PROPERTY Failed to get Provider Services override property.
-52 SS_FAILED_TO_SET_APS_OVERRIDE_PROPERTY Failed to set Provider Services override property.
-53 SS_FAILED_TO_GET_APS_URL Failed to get Provider Services URL.
-54 SS_APS_DISCONNECT_FAILED Provider Services disconnect failed.
-55 SS_OPERATION_FAILED Operation failed.
-56 SS_CANNOT_ASSOCIATE_SHEET_WITH_CONNECTION Cannot associate sheet with connection.
-57 SS_REFRESH_SHEET_NEEDED Worksheet refresh needed.
-58 SS_NO_GRID_OBJECT_ON_SHEET No grid object on sheet.
-59 SS_NO_CONNECTION_ASSOCIATED No connection associated.
-60 SS_NON_DATA_CELL_PASSED Non-data cell passed.
-61 SS_DATA_CELL_IS_NOT_WRITABLE Data cell is not writable.
-62 SS_NO_SVC_CONTENT_ON_SHEET No Smart View content on sheet.
-63 SS_FAILED_TO_GET_OFFICE_OBJECT Failed to get Office object.
-64 SS_OP_FAILED_AS_CHART_IS_SELECTED Operation failed because chart is selected.
-65 SS_EXCEL_IN_EDIT_MODE Excel in edit mode.
-66 SS_SHEET_NON_SMARTVIEW_COMPATIBLE Sheet not compatible with Smart View.
-67 SS_APP_NOT_STANDALONE Application not stand alone.
-68 SS_SMART_VIEW_DISABLED Smart View is disabled.
-69 SS_VBA_DEPRECATED The function has been deprecated.
-70 SS_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_MULTIGRID_MODE The operation is not supported in worksheets that are in multiple-grid mode.
-71 SS_INVALID_MEMBER The member name is invalid. Used with HypGetMemberInformation.
-72 SS_NO_SV_NAME_RANGE No named ranges are available. Used with HypGetNameRangeList.
-73 SS_AMBIGUOUS_MENU The menu item is ambiguous and could not be resolved. Used with HypExecuteMenu, HypHideRibbonMenu, and HypHideRibbonMenuReset.