Instantiating an Oracle Smart View BI Extension Object

The Oracle Smart View BI Extension exposes its automation interface through COM interface. To make an automation call to Oracle Smart View BI Extension, an Oracle Smart View BI Extension COM object must first be instantiated.

All Oracle Analytics Cloud automation functions are defined in the IBIReport interface, and the SmartViewOBIEEAutomation class implements those functions. Therefore, in any Oracle Analytics Cloud automation call, you must include the variable declarations that are described in the following procedure.

To create the variable declarations that will be included in all functions:

  1. Declare a variable of type IBIReport.
  2. Set the variable to an object of type SmartViewOBIEEAutomation.

    The resulting lines are:

    Dim obiee As IBIReport
    Set obiee = New SmartViewOBIEEAutomation
  3. Include the lines from step ep 2 in each of your functions.

You are ready to begin creating and working with the Oracle Smart View BI Extension functions. See Oracle Analytics Cloud Functions for a complete listing of the functions available and their usage.