VBA Parameters

Describes available VBA parameter types and the valid values.

Most VBA functions require you to supply values for one or more parameters. Table 3-1 lists the parameter types and the valid values for each type:

Table 3-1 VBA Parameters

Parameter Value
Text A word or phrase or name in quotation marks. For example:
  • "Smart View"

  • "[Book2.xls]Sheet1"

  • True

  • False

Range object A cell, row or column, one or more selections of cells, or a three-dimensional range address, surrounded by quotation marks. For example:
  • RANGE("A1")

  • RANGE("A1:B2")

  • RANGE("G:G,I:I,K:K")

  • RANGE("A1:B5,C1:C10,D5:L8")

  • RANGE("Sheet1!C3:R20,Sheet2!C3:R20")

Number A number without quotation marks and without commas. For example:
  • 1

  • 2.5

  • 50000

List of strings A list of text values separated by commas. For example: "Qtr1", "Actual", "Oregon"
Constant A predefined constant from smartview.bas
Default value
  • Null

  • Empty


Many parameters have default values or behavior that the function uses if you specify Null or Empty. If you do not specify a value for such parameters, use Null or Empty. See the description of each function for default values of such parameters.


Oracle Smart View for Office and VBA require Excel events to be enabled in order to function properly. Turning off Application.EnableEvents may result in incorrect behavior.