Member Options

Member Options control the display of member cells.

Member options are sheet level options, which are specific to the worksheet for which they are set.


Not all data providers support all the options listed in Table 5-1. Refer to the subtopics in this section to find the options supported for a particular provider.

To set options for the display of member cells as described in Table 5-1, click Options on the Smart View ribbon, and then select Member Options in the left panel. When you are finished, make a selection for saving the changes:

  • OK

  • Save as Default Options

  • Apply to All Worksheets


    The Apply to All Worksheets option is not available in PowerPoint or Word.

See Sheet Options for a complete description of the above options.

Table 5-1 Member Options

Option Description
General General
Zoom In Level From the drop-down menu, select one of the following to specify a default zoom level for ad hoc analysis:
  • Next Level to retrieve data for the children of the selected members

  • All Levels to retrieve data for all descendants of the selected members

  • Bottom Level to retrieve data for the lowest level of members in a dimension

  • Sibling Level to retrieve data for all members at the same level as the selected member

  • Same Level to retrieve data for the siblings of the selected members

  • Same Generation to retrieve data for all members of the same generation as the selected members

  • Formulas to retrieve data for all members that are defined by the formula of the selected member. The formula can be a member equation or a consolidation to the parent.

Member Name Display From the drop-down menu, select one of the following to specify how to display member names in cells:
  • Member Name or Alias to display member names only or, if an alias table is being used, alias names only.

    Oracle Essbase and Narrative Reporting: Note that this is the default when connected to duplicate member databases and launching Query Designer (Essbase only) or an ad hoc grid. This is the default even if you have chosen the Distinct Member Name Only option and set it as the default.

  • Distinct Member Name Only to display fully qualified names.

  • Member Name and Alias to display member names and their aliases.

  • Member Name and Description Only to display member names and their aliases in the same cell (applies to Oracle Hyperion Financial Management only).

  • Description Only to display aliases.

Indentation From the drop-down menu, select one of the following to specify how hierarchy levels are to be indented:
  • None

  • Subitems to indent descendants.

    Ancestors are left-justified in the column and aligned to the top in the column headers.

  • Totals to indent ancestors.

    Descendants are left-justified in the column and aligned to the top in the column headers.


For EPM Cloud 21.02+ Standard mode applications only: If you select the Subitems option or the Totals option, then you should also select the Use Excel Indentation (Ad Hoc Standard Mode) check box.

Ancestor Position From the drop-down menu, select one of the following to specify ancestor position in hierarchies:
  • Top to display hierarchies in order from highest to lowest level

  • Bottom to display hierarchies in order from lowest to highest level

See Specifying Ancestor Position in Ad Hoc Grids.


Essbase (on-premises) does not support the Ancestor Position options.

Use Excel Indentation (Ad Hoc Standard Mode) For EPM Cloud 21.02+ Standard mode applications only: Preserve native Excel formatting used for indentation in ad hoc grids.

This option works in conjunction with the Indentation option. When Indentation is set to Subitems or Totals, the blank spaces used for indentation may create issues for some users. By enabling Use Excel Indentation, the indentation for subtotals and totals is handled correctly.

Member Retention Member Retention

See Selecting Members to Display when Zooming.

Include Selection Display the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of the operation.
Within Selected Group Perform ad hoc operations only on the selected group of cells, leaving unselected cells as is. This setting is meaningful only when there are two or more dimensions down the grid as rows or across the grid as columns. For Zoom, Keep Only, and Remove Only.
Remove Unselected Groups For Zoom In or Zoom Out, remove all dimensions and members except the selected member and the members retrieved as a result of zooming.
Comments and Formulas Comments and Formulas
Preserve Formulas and Comments in ad hoc operations (except pivot and undo) Preserves formulas and comments on the grid during queries. You can clear this option to make queries run faster, but if you do, formulas and comments are removed or ignored.

Note that formulas are not preserved for pivot or undo operations, regardless of whether or not this option is selected.

This option must be selected if you select Formula Fill or Enable Enhanced Comment Handling.


This option applies to formulas in both member and data cells.

Formula Fill Propagates formulas associated with member cells to the members retrieved as a result of zooming in.

If Preserve Formulas and Comments in ad hoc operations except pivot and Use Excel Formatting are both selected, propagates cell formatting to the members retrieved as a result of zooming in.


This option applies to formulas in both member and data cells.

Preserve Comments and Unknown Members Essbase only: Your spreadsheet may contain members that do not match database members. Selecting this option allows you to refresh an ad hoc grid with no warning message about comments or unknown members.

To display messages about comments and unknown members, ensure that this option is cleared.

Note that when this option is cleared, both the Enable Enhanced Comment Handling option in this dialog and the View Comments option in the Essbase ribbon will not be available for this ad hoc sheet.

Enable Enhanced Comment Handling Enables you to review and correct comments and member names in ad hoc grids that contain comments.
Preserve Formula on POV Change Preserves formulas in cells when you refresh or make changes to the POV. Otherwise, any formulas in the grid are lost.

For additional information, see Preserving Formulas After POV Changes.

Flex Forms: Preserve Grid on POV and User Variable Changes Retains modified members on a flex form after a POV or user variable change.

If this option is not selected, any added rows or columns in the flex form will be removed upon a POV or user variable change.

For more information, see Retaining Modified Members on Flex Forms After POV or User Variable Change.

The sections that follow list the Member Options supported by provider.