Viewing Schedules and Tasks

Using Oracle Smart View for Office, you can view your Task Manager tasks and schedules and work on them directly in Smart View.

You can only view those tasks and schedules for which you are authorized. This is the Display My Tasks view of the worklist that you see the web application, so not all the tasks that you have visibility to see will be shown. The All Schedules sheet displays a list of the tasks that you are currently working on. You can double-click a task or row to open the task and perform actions on it. After a task has been submitted or approved, it is no longer displayed on the list.

Depending on your current role (for example, Assignee, Preparer, or Approver), the options such as Approve or Reject change to match the associated role. If you have different roles, then you may need to log in as the specific role to perform different operations.

  1. From the Smart View ribbon, click Panel.
  2. In the Smart View panel, select Private Connections.
  3. In the Private Connections panel, select the Task Manager connection from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the node and click Connect in the Action Panel.
  5. In the Login window, enter your User Name and Password, and then click Sign In.
  6. In the Private Connections panel, double-click a schedule from the list of schedules available for you.
    Alternatively, you can also right-click the schedule and select Open or select the schedule and click Open in the Action Panel.
  7. In the schedule sheet, view the list of tasks for which you are authorized. You can view the following details:
    • Name: Displays the name of the task.
    • Assignee: Displays the name of the person to whom the task is assigned.
    • Status: Displays the status of the task such as Pending, Success, With Assignee and so on.
    • Priority: Displays the priority of the task such as Low, Medium, or High
    • Needs Attention: Displays whether the task needs attention or not.
    • Workflow: Displays the next step or action needed on the task. For example, Submit Task or Release Task.
    • Quick Actions: Displays the following options to open the task quickly, either within the Excel sheet or in the web browser.
  8. Open the task that you want to view or work on. You can either double-click the task or use the following options from the Task Manager ribbon or the Quick Actions column to open the task.
    • Open: Use this option to open the task details in the Task Manager Task dialog. You can use this open as an alternative to double-clicking a task row in the schedule sheet to launch the Task Manager Task dialog.
    • Open in Browser: Use this option to open the integrated tasks in the web application within a browser. If you have not logged in to the web application in the current session, you will be prompted to establish a connection and log in as a one-time requirement. Thereafter, you can open the integrated tasks directly in the browser, view the task details, and take necessary actions.
    • Open in Excel: Use this option to open the embedded artifacts such as forms and dashboards in Excel. Forms open in a new worksheet within the same workbook and dashboards open in a new workbook.
    The Task Manager Task dialog opens and displays the task details.
  9. For integrated tasks, use the embedded task links available in the task details within the Task Manager Task dialog to navigate to the relevant tasks.
    For example, if the task is about Reviewing Financial Reports and you click Open in Browser, you will see a View Financial Reports link in the Task Manager Task dialog. This way, you can view the contextual information (that is, the financial reports in this example) directly within the Task Dialog, instead of separately navigating from the web application.
  10. Perform the appropriate actions for the selected task:
    • Submit Task
    • Approve or Release Task
    • Claim or Release Task

    You can perform these actions either from the Task Manager ribbon or in the Task Manager Task dialog.