Claiming or Releasing Tasks

Tasks can be assigned to a team or group of users. If you are a member of the team or group, you must claim the task before performing it. If you have claimed a task, you can release the task back to the team or group allowing another member to take the task.

After a task is claimed, other members of the team can still claim the task but doing this causes the initial user's claim to terminate, thus revoking that user's ability to perform the role functions and granting the ability to the user with the latest claim. The ability to claim a task from another user is required to accommodate cases where a claim has occurred; however, the user with the claim can't complete the role functions (for example, because of an absence).

Before any member of the team has claimed the task, email notifications go to the whole team. Once a team member has claimed the task, emails go to the active user instead of all team members.

To claim or release a task:

  1. Open the schedule and select the required task.
  2. From the Task Manager ribbon, do the following:
    • For tasks that are assigned to your team or group, click Claim to claim and work on them.
    • For the tasks that you have claimed, click Release to release it back to the team or group.

    Alternatively, you can double-click the task row to open the Task Manager Task Dialog and claim or release tasks.

  3. If the task is claimed or released successfully, an acknowledgement message appears. Click OK.
    • When a task is claimed, the Assignee changes from the team or group to the member who claimed the task.
    • When a task is released, the Assignee changes from the member who released to the team or group.