Zooming In

You can zoom in on one cell at a time.

You can also zoom in on a range of cells when connected to these data sources: Oracle Essbase, Narrative Reporting, and Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Standard-mode applications.

Zooming in on multiple cells, especially on all levels, results in a large number of cells being selected. If the data suppression options like suppress rows with no data or missing values are not enabled, it may lead to insufficient memory and failure to load worksheets while zooming in. To prevent this issue, a governor limit for the number of selected cells is set. It works in the following ways:

  • If the number of selected cells is within the threshold, then the zoom in operation happens successfully, without any performance issues like out of memory and worksheet loading failures.
  • If the number of selected cells exceeds the threshold, then a warning message informs users about the inability to load data as the number of cells before suppression exceeded the threshold. You can reduce your cell selection range to proceed with the zoom in operation.

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