Importing Books

You can import books to download and work on them in Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser).

Before you begin importing books, you should have already connected to a data source and launched the EPM Books panel, as described in Launching the EPM Books Panel.

To import books:

  1. In the list of books in the EPM Books panel, click Import Book to Excel button next to the book that you want to import.
    The import process begins.
    For each book that you import, a separate row is added to the Jobs Console pane in the EPM Books panel. The following example shows the EPM Books panel with two jobs in the Job Console, one in progress with Started status and one with Completed status. The panel is expanded so that you can see all columns in the Jobs Console.

    Figure 11-6 EPM Books Panel Showing Jobs in the Jobs Console

    Shows the EPM Books panel with the Import button for Book 2 and the Job Console with the job for Book 2 in progress with Started status.
  2. In the Jobs Console, , click Refresh button to refresh the job status of the import process for your book.
    The job status icons for individual jobs are:
    • Refresh button —Job is in progress. Click to update the job status.
    • Download Book button —Job is completed. Click to download the job.
    • Error icon —An error has occurred. Click to view the error message.
  3. In the list of jobs in the Jobs Console, click Download Book button next to a completed job to download it in to Oracle Smart View for Office and then click Yes at the prompt to confirm the download.


    Only reports are included in the book imported and downloaded into Excel. Inserted books or third-party documents, such as PDFs or Microsoft Word documents, are not included in the Excel Book import.

    The book opens in Excel and a table of contents sheet is generated with links to the individual report sheets in the workbook, as shown in the following example.

    Figure 11-7 Example of TOC Sheet and Worksheet Tabs in Book Downloaded into Excel 365

    Shows an example of the TOC page and worksheets tabs in a book imported and downloaded into Excel 365
  4. Click the workbook tabs to view the Reports contained within the downloaded book.
  5. Continue with Working with Downloaded Books.