Editing and Deleting Comments and Unknown Members

You can edit comments and unknown members using the Comment Edit dialog.

Before you begin, complete the steps in Enabling Comment Display in the Sheet.


The procedure in this topic shows you how to edit comments on an ad hoc sheet using the View Comments command and the Comment Edit dialog box in Smart View. You can also edit comments directly in the grid, without using the Smart View interface elements in this topic.

To edit and delete comments on an ad hoc grid:
  1. Open an ad hoc grid containing comments, and click Refresh.

    In the example shown below, the grid displays some comments in the sheet.

    Figure 10-11 Grid Showing Cells Marked with Comment Style

    Grid showing comment cells
  2. From the provider ad hoc ribbon in the Data section, click More and then click View Comments.

    The Comment Edit dialog box is launched.

    Based on the grid in the above example, the Comment Edit dialog shows the comments present in the sheet which can be edited.

    Figure 10-12 Comment Edit Dialog

    Comment Edit dialog box
  3. To edit the text in a comment cell, in the Comment Edit dialog, click in the comment cell text box to edit; and then modify the text as required.

    Using the example Comment Edit dialog, click in the "Total Entities" comment cell text box, and then change "Total Entities" to "Total Entity".

  4. Click Apply Changes and note the change in the grid.

    Cells that were edited are now marked in the dirty cell style.

    In the example grid, after clicking Apply Changes, cell B6 would now be a dirty cell and would display the dirty cell style until the sheet is refreshed.

  5. Click Refresh; the dirty cell style is cleared in the cells you edited and the appropriate cell style is applied.

    In the example grid, the result of the refresh is shown in Figure 10-13, where cell B6 displays the appropriate cell style.

    Figure 10-13 Grid After Refresh, Comment Style in Cell B6 Is Cleared; Member In Sync with Cube

    After Refresh, cell style on member name is cleared. Cell style still shows on comment cells outside the grid

    Note that the comments outside the grid are still displayed in comment style.

  6. To delete comments:
    1. Launch the Comment Edit dialog, click in the comment cell text box to highlight the editable text; and press the Delete key.

      Based on the example Comment Edit dialog in Figure 10-12, click in the comment cell text box for cell G3, highlight the text, and press the Delete key to remove the comment. Repeat for cell G5.

    2. Click Apply Changes in the Comment Edit dialog to return to the ad hoc grid sheet.
    3. Click Refresh.

      Based on the example grid in Figure 10-13, after deleting the comments in cells G3 and G5, there are no comments left on the grid, as shown in Figure 10-14.

      Figure 10-14 Grid After Refresh, Comment and Cell Style from Cells G3 and G5 are Cleared

      Shows the grid after refresh, all cells that were previously comment cells are now cleared of the cell styles. The member cell takes the cell style for members. The comments outside the grid are blank, no color