Common Function Error Codes

These are some common error codes displayed in functions.

#NO CONNECTION - You are not connected or logged on to a data source.

#INVALID - Invalid metadata. Invalid cells that contain a value display the value as zero.

#LOCKED - The cell is locked.

#NO ACCESS - You do not have access to this cell.

#NO DATA - The cell contains NoData. You can select to display zeros instead of NoData. Cells use the Replacement text that you specify in the Options panel.

#INVALID INPUT - The HsSetValue data value is not valid, for example, a text string.

#READ ONLY - This is for the HsSetValue function only when the cell is read-only.

#NEEDS REFRESH - Data needs to be refreshed.

#INVALID DIMENSION - An invalid dimension is specified in the function.

#INVALID MEMBER - An invalid dimension member name is specified in the function.

#NAME - Excel does not recognize text in a formula. When you forward a sheet that contains functions to a user who does not have Smart View, they can view the same data as the functions on the sheet. When the user edits or refreshes the function, it changes to #Name.