Specifying a Label for Missing Data in Functions

Set a value for missing data in user-defined functions, such as HsGetValue or HsSetValue, using the Missing Label option in the Options panel.

You can enter a value in the Missing Label field before performing any operations on the sheet, such as specifying a blank sheet for ad hoc analysis or for functions. This option is available immediately after connection when you open Options. You can also specify a value for the Missing Label option at any time.

To set the a value for the Missing Label option:

  1. Connect to a data source.
  2. Optional: Open a sheet that already contains functions.
  3. In the Smart View ribbon, click the Options button to view the Advanced tab.
    At this point, only the Advanced tab is displayed in the Options panel; no other tabs are available.
  4. In the Advanced tab of the Options panel, under User-Defined Functions, enter a value in the Missing Label text box.

    The default value is #Missing; however, you may specify a custom value and include special characters or capitalization, as you require.

  5. Close the panel or, optionally, save this value for future use by clicking the Save Current Options as Default link, and then close the panel.
  6. Proceed by adding functions to the sheet manually or using the Function Builder; or, proceed with operations in the sheet containing functions that you opened earlier.