Selecting Members from a Point of View Dimension

You can select members and filters for the dimensions that you want to include in the grid and move members to and from the grid.

Each connection is associated with only one POV; however, the same connection to different sheets within a workbook may have different POVs.

To select a member to add to the POV drop-down list:

  1. Open an ad hoc grid.
  2. From the provider ad hoc ribbon (for example, from the Planning Ad Hoc ribbon), click POV POV button to display the POV dimensions in the POV panel.
  3. In the POV panel, click the ellipsis button Ellipsis button next to a POV dimension, and from the drop-down menu, choose Member Selector.
  4. Select members in the Member Selector, and move them from the left to the right side of the dialog (see Selecting Members from the Member Selector).

    The selected members will appear in the drop-down menu for the dimension in the POV. For example, in the Vision application, if we select every member in the Product dimension, this would be a partial view of the resulting drop-down list:

    Dimension drop-down menu showing members of the Product dimension in the list


To pivot a member or dimension from the POV to the grid, see Pivoting Dimensions or Members between the Grid and the POV