Selecting Members from the Member Selector

You can use the Member Selector dialog to select members for a variety of purposes: working on ad hoc grids, selecting and adding members to functions, displaying and changing dimensions in POV, and so on.

There are multiple ways to launch the Member Selector dialog. For example:

  • From an ad hoc grid:

    Select a dimension or member in the grid, and then from the provider ad hoc ribbon in the Analysis section , click Member Selection, Member Selection button. For example, if you're connected to Planning, click Member Selection in the Planning Ad Hoc ribbon.

  • From the POV panel:

    From the provider ad hoc ribbon, in the Data section, click POV, POV button, to display the POV dimensions in the POV panel. Then, click POV button in the POV panel next to a POV dimension, and select Member Selector from the drop-down list.

    For more information, see Selecting Members from a Point of View Dimension.

To select members:

  1. Launch the Member Selector dialog.
  2. In the Member Selector dialog, click the dimension selector drop-down, Dimension selector drop-down icon (at the top left of the dialog box above the Members list), and select a dimension; for example:

    Dimension selector drop-down list showing list of available dimensions to choose from

    If you accessed the Member Selector from a POV dimension in the POV panel, then the dimension next to which you clicked Ellipsis button is automatically displayed in the drop-down, and you are not able to select another dimension; for example:

    Dimension selector grayed out

  3. Optional. To retrieve a specific set of members, use the Filter drop-down, Filter drop-down (next to the dimension selector at the top left of the dialog).

    The member set filter will be applied to the highlighted member. To highlight a member, click on the member name so that the name is highlighted. If no member is highlighted, the filter will be applied to the dimension selected in the dimension selector drop-down.

    Filter options, which may vary by data source type, are:

    • Hierarchy to select all the members in the hierarchy
    • Descendants to select all descendants of the selected member
    • Descendants Inclusive to include the selected member and all descendants of the selected member
    • Children to select only the children of the selected member
    • Children Inclusive to include the selected member and the children of the selected member
    • Siblings to select all siblings of the selected member
    • Siblings Inclusive to include the selected member and all siblings of the selected member
    • LSiblings to include only the members that appear before the selected member with the same parent
    • LSiblings Inclusive to include the selected member and its left siblings
    • RSiblings to include only the members that appear after the selected member with the same parent
    • RSiblings Inclusive to include the selected member and its right siblings
    • Parent to select only the parent of the selected member
    • Parent Inclusive to include the selected member and the parent of the selected member
    • Ancestors to select all the ancestors of the selected member
    • Ancestors Inclusive to include the selected member and all the ancestors of the selected member
    • Level 0 Descendants to display all descendants of the selected member that have no children
    • Level to display the Filter Argument dialog box, where you select one level in the hierarchy of members
    • Generation to display the Filter Argument dialog box, where you select one generation in the hierarchy of members
    • UDA to display the Filter Argument dialog box, where you select a user-defined attribute (available only if defined by the administrator)
    • Attribute to display the Filter Argument dialog box, where you select an attribute name and attribute value (available only if defined by the administrator)
  4. Optional. Use either of these methods to filter or search for members:
    • Type directly into the Filter field to filter the members that have already been retrieved within the selected dimension in the Member Selector.

    • After typing a member name in the Filter field, click the Server Search button, Server Search button, to search for all members that contain the entered text, including those that have not already been retrieved within the selected dimension in the Member Selector.

      After performing a search, you can clear the search results by clicking Server Search button again.

  5. To choose members for selection, hover directly to the left of a member name and click the check box.


    The check box next to member names is hidden until the mouse hovers over it.

    The figure below shows that for the "Cash Flow" member, the check box is blue, meaning the member has been chosen for selection. For the "All Accounts" member, the check box is gray, meaning the member has not yet been chosen but the cursor is hovering next to it.
    Shows a list of members for the Account dimension. The Cash Flow member is selected, the check box next to the member is blue. The All Accounts member is not yet selected, the check box next to the member is gray meaning the cursor is hovering over it.

    You can also:

    • Click directly on a member name to choose a single member for selection.
    • Use the mouse to drag a rectangle over a group of members to choose multiple members for selection.
  6. Optional. Select the Actions drop-down menu,Actions drop-down, above the Members list at the left side of the dialog, to check all the members, or to remove the check from the currently checked members.
  7. Click the Add button, Add button, to move the checked members to the Selection list (the list on the right in the dialog).

    Conversely, use the Remove button, Remove button, to move members from the Selection list back to the Members list (the list on the left in the dialog).

  8. Optional. Toggle the arrows above the Selection list to select how to insert the members in the grid:

    Horizontal button inserts the selected members horizontally in a column

    Vertical button inserts the selected members vertically in a row

  9. Optional. Select the Actions drop-down menu,Actions drop-down, above the Selection list to perform these actions:
    • Select Dimension to add the dimension you selected in the dimension selector drop-down (the first drop-down in the dialog box) to the Selection list.
    • Remove All to remove all the selected members
    • Check All and Clear Checks to add or remove checks from all the members in the Selection list.
  10. Click Done to close the dialog box and add the selected members to the grid, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without saving any changes.
  11. From the provider ad hoc ribbon, click Refresh, Refresh button, to update the data to correspond to the selected members.

    You can also click Refresh button from the Smart View ribbon.