Viewing the Task List

View the details of individual tasks in the task list, take action on them, and track the overall completion status of the task list.

A task list in the Task List panel displays the following:

  • The individual tasks in the task list. These may contain subordinate tasks. The status of the task – complete, incomplete, or overdue – is indicated by color-coding.

    For example:
    Task List panel showing a list of tasks and a Task Details area, which is hidden in this screenshot

  • Task Details gives you details for the selected task in the task list, including the task status.

    For example:

    Task Details pane of the Task List panel indicating, among other information, the task name, task number, and task status.

    Use the Show/Hide toggle button to display or hide the Task Details pane.

  • A status bar gives you a high-level view of the status of your task list. The status bar, located at the bottom of the Task List panel, shows you the number of tasks in the task list, the number of completed tasks along with a percentage of completed tasks for the task list, and the number of tasks to complete; for example:

    The task status showing the percentage of tasks complete, and the number of tasks to be completed.

  • The Action Panel displays the actions that are available for the selected task

    In the example above, the Open Form and Mark Complete commands are available, along with the More Items button.

    Similarly, for tasks with business rules, the Launch Rule command appears for selecting and running business rules from the task list itself, while the Open URL or File command appears for tasks that launch links or open files.

  • The More items button, More items button lets you access a drop-down menu with more commands for the selected task:

    The drop-down menu that displays when you select a task and select the More items button. Options are View Instructions, Create Report, Refresh Task List, and Task Filter with suboptions All and Incomplete.

    These actions are available:

    • View Instructions: To view instructions for a task, click the More items button, More items button, and then select View Instructions. A dialog with information specific to the task is displayed; for example:

      Instructions dialog box

    • Create Report: See Creating Task List Reports.

    • Refresh Task List: Click to refresh the task list, incorporating any new tasks added to the list, and updating the status bar.

    • Task Filter: Click to view the submenu. Select Incomplete to view only incomplete tasks in the task list. Select All to view the entire task list.
  • A drop-down menu at the top in the Task List panel lets you select other task lists associated with the current application; for example, click the arrow:

    The arrow that you click to see the drop-down list of other task lists

    View the other task lists available for application. Task lists with overdue tasks display the number of overdue tasks in red color next to their name.

    Task lists associated with current application and an All Task Lists option