About the Jobs Console

The Jobs Console in the EPM Books panel displays a list of jobs. A job represents a process of importing a Book in to Oracle Smart View for Office. In the Jobs Console, you can refresh the status of jobs, download imported Books to Smart View, remove jobs, and list jobs from the current connection or all connectons from which you have imported Books.

The top portion of the Books panel lists all Books available for import from the current data source connection. Once you import a job, a job is added to the Jobs Console. Each row in the Jobs Console lists the jobs that you have import for the current connection. You can also choose to toggle the display to show jobs for all connections from which you have imported Books.

Figure 8-9 shows an example of the Books panel with Books listed in the Books list. All Books in the current connection have been imported and the jobs are shown in various states in the Jobs Console.

Figure 8-9 Example Books Panel with Jobs Listed in the Jobs Console

Example Books Panel with Jobs listed in the Jobs Console

For each job, the Jobs Console provides the following information:

  • Status—The status of the job, indicated by an icon:

    • Refresh button —Job is in progress. Click to update the job status.

    • Download Book button —Job is completed. Click to download the job.

    • Error button —An error has occurred. Click to view the error message.

  • Submitted—The date and time the job was submitted for import.

  • Book—The name of the Book that was submitted for import.

  • Status Description—Valid status descriptions are: Started, Completed, and Error.

  • Job ID—An internal ID issued for each job by the business process.

The Jobs Console toolbar, located above the list of jobs, provides options for managing jobs, including a refresh option, delete options, and an option for selecting to display jobs from the current connection or all connections from which you have imported Books. The Jobs Console toolbar is shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10 Jobs Console Toolbar

Jobs Console toolbar

Continue with Working with Jobs in the Jobs Console for information on using the options in the Jobs Console.