Launching the EPM Books Panel in Smart View

From Office, you can launch the EPM Books panel whenever you connect to an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud business process that contains Books.

Complete the procedures in Setting Up the Books Extension in Smart View before beginning the procedure in this topic.

To log in to an EPM Cloud business process and launch the Books panel in Oracle Smart View for Office:
  1. Launch Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, or PowerPoint).
  2. Select the Smart View ribbon, and then click Panel.
  3. In the Smart View Panel, select Private Connections.

    Alternatively, from the Smart View Panel, click the arrow next to the Switch to button, Switch to button , and then select Private Connections from the drop-down list.

  4. In the text box shown in Figure 8-4, click the arrow to display the drop-down menu and select your connection.

    Figure 8-4 Arrow for Quick Connection Drop-down List

    Shows the Smart View Panel, private connection text box, where you can click the arrow and select a data source to which to connect from the drop-down list

    If you created your data source connection using the procedure in "Creating Connections to EPM Cloud Business Processes" , then it should be listed under Quick Connect URLs in the drop-down list.

  5. In the Login window, enter your User Name and Password, and then click Sign In.
  6. To launch the Books panel, depending on the data source you are connected to, perform an action:
    • Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting:

      1. In the Smart View Panel, select the application node.

      2. In the Action Panel, select Launch EPM Books Home:

        The Smart View Panel when connected to Planning, Planning Modules, Financial Consolidation and Close, or Tax Reporting; the Launch EPM Books Home command appears in the Action Panel at the bottom of the Smart View Panel
    • Narrative Reporting Home: Click the Books shortcut:

      Narrative Reporting Home containing Books shortcut at the bottom of the panel
    • Narrative Reporting Library panel:

      1. In Narrative Reporting Home, click Library.

      2. In the Smart View Panel, expand the Library node or click Connect in the Action Panel.

      3. In the Action Panel, select Launch EPM Books Home:
        The Smart View Panel when connected to Narrative Reporting; the Launch EPM Books Home command appears in the Action Panel at the bottom of the Smart View Panel

    The EPM Books panel is displayed. Figure 8-5 shows an example Books panel.

    Figure 8-5 Example EPM Books Panel

    Example Books panel showing three books in the top portion of the panel. In the Jobs Console portion of the panel, there are two completed jobs and one job started, but not completed

    You're now ready to begin using the Books functionality available in Smart View. Continue with the topics in Working with Books.