Managing Access to Saving Office Documents to EPM Cloud Library

Service Administrators can limit user access to saving Microsoft Office documents to the EPM Cloud Library from Oracle Smart View for Office.


The task in this topic is for Service Administrators or users who are familiar with editing the properties.xml file located by default in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg.

The ability to save Office documents to the EPM Cloud Library is enabled by default in Smart View. Additionally, this feature is limited to Service Administrators and Power Users.

Service Administrators can remove access to saving Office documents to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud by setting the enableLibrary property to 0 in the Smart View properties.xml file. This file is located by default in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg.

Table 10-1 summarizes the effect of enabling and disabling the enableLibrary property for users with and without the Service Administrator or Power User role.

Table 10-1 Effects of enableLibrary Property with Service Administrator or Power User Role Settings

enableLibrary Property Setting Service Administrator or Power User Role = Yes Service Administrator or Power User Role = No
  • Documents node shown in tree
  • Ribbon buttons are displayed
  • Provider URL is in dialog
  • No Documents node shown in tree
  • Ribbon buttons are displayed (can save to other providers)
  • Provider URL is NOT in dialog
  • Documents node shown in tree
  • Ribbon buttons hidden (can’t access dialog)
  • No Documents node shown in tree
  • Ribbon buttons hidden (can’t access dialog)

This procedure shows you how to disable and re-enable the enableLibrary property in the properties.xml

To disable the enableLibrary property and limit access to saving and downloading Office documents in EPM Cloud:
  1. Open the Smart View properties.xml file with a text editor.
    The properties.xml file is located by default in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg.
  2. Locate the following entry:
    <!-- Enable Library on client. -->
  3. Change the enableLibrary value to 0; for example:
    <!-- Enable Library on client. -->
  4. Save the updated file.
  5. Distribute the file according to your internal processes.

    Once the properties.xml file is distributed to users, the ability to access or use the Save and Save As options will depend on each user's Service Administrator or Power User status, described in Table 10-1.

  6. Optional: Re-enable the enableLibrary property by repeating this procedure, setting the property to 1; for example:
    <!-- Enable Library on client. -->

    Once the properties.xml file is distributed to users, users with the Service Administrator or Power User role can use the Save and Save As options that will now appear in the Library group on the Smart View ribbon the next time they start Smart View.