Creating Folders in the EPM Cloud Library

You may organize documents by creating folders in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Library. You can create folders in the Narrative Reporting web interface or in the tree structure in the Smart View Panel under the Documents node.

The procedure in this topic describes creating folders in Oracle Smart View for Office. To create folders in Narrative Reporting web, see Creating Artifacts in the Library in Authoring and Approving Doclets for Narrative Reporting .

In order to create folders in Smart View, and to view the folders and files under the Documents node in the Smart View Panel, you must be connected to your Narrative Reporting business process.

To create EPM Cloud Library folders in Smart View:
  1. Connect to Narrative Reporting.
  2. In the Narrative Reporting Home, select Library.
  3. In the Smart View Panel, expand Narrative Reporting, then expand Library.
  4. Locate the Documents node in the tree.
  5. Right-click the Documents node and select New Folder.

    Alternatively, select Documents, and then select New Folder in the Action Panel.

  6. In the Create New Folder dialog, enter a folder name, and then click OK.

    The folder you just created is displayed under the Documents node.

    You can now save files to this folder.

  7. Optional: Repeat these steps to add new folders or subfolders.


    If you have enabled the Narrative Reporting extension, you will see some folders under the Library node repeated under the Documents node in the Smart View Panel. When creating folders and subfolders, be sure to select the Documents node or a folder under the Documents node to access the New Folder command.
  8. To save files in My Library and the folders you've created, see Saving Office Documents to EPM Cloud.