Setting Up Smart View to Save Office Documents to EPM Cloud

To enable saving Office documents to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, an entry is made in the properties.xml file in the cfg folder of the Oracle Smart View for Office installation. The properties.xml file must be updated on each individual user’s machine. A Service Administrator will likely completely this task, and then provide the file to the users.

To edit the properties.xml file for saving Office documents to EPM Cloud
  1. Open the Smart View properties.xml file with a text editor.
    The properties.xml file is located by default in C:\Oracle\SmartView\cfg.
  2. Locate the following entry:

    <!-- Add support for uploading to NR library - use SV private connection url <libraryprovider>http://server:port/epm/SmartView</libraryprovider> -->

  3. Copy this line:


    And place it above the commented text that begins with <!--. For example:

    <!-- Add support for uploading to NR library - use SV private connection url
    <libraryprovider>http://server:port/epm/SmartView</libraryprovider> -->
  4. Replace server:port with your Narrative Reporting service URL.

    Note that you may need to change http to https.

    For example:


  5. Save the updated file.
  6. Distribute the file according to your internal processes.

Once the properties.xmlfile is distributed to users, they can use the Save and Save As options that will now appear in the Library group on the Smart View ribbon the next time they start Smart View.