Working with Shared Members and Suppression Options in Flex Forms

Consider the following scenario in form design:

  1. Shared members are on the row, column, or both
  2. Drill on shared members is enabled
  3. Suppress missing blocks and Suppress missing data are enabled

When opening the form, shared members are converted to base member, and query is based on the base members.

When opened as a flex form (Enable flex form for rows, Enable flex form for columns, or both are selected), since the base member is beyond the form definition, if it is the only member in the flex form row or column, this error is shown:

"Flex form cannot be refreshed or saved without valid members on Account dimension."

If there are other valid members on the row or column, and the Show invalid members for flex form option is enabled, then the base members will become comments.

Workarounds: To avoid this error, use one or both of the following workarounds:

  • Enable the Flex beyond form definition option.

  • Clear the Drill on shared members option.