Flexing Beyond the Form Definition

During form definition, when the Flex beyond form definition property is applied to row or column dimensions in flex forms, Oracle Smart View for Office users may enter members outside the form definition for dimensions within the row or column axis of the form. This allows flex form users to enter data for members that are not displayed on the flex form. Users must have access to the valid members that they enter.

For example, using the Vision application, suppose the Product dimension is placed as a row dimension in a flex form. During form definition, only the Sentinal Standard Notebook and Sentinal Custom Notebook members in the Product dimension have been selected for display on the form. By enabling the Flex beyond form definition option for the Product dimension, Smart View users may enter other products from the Product dimension, such as Mouse or Keyboard, in the rows in the flex form. As long as they have access to those members, users can either add rows for additional members to the existing flex form or replace existing Product members with the Product members they require. To illustrate, note the following hierarchy:

   Notebooks  <<this hierarchy is displayed in flex form)
      Sentinal Standard Notebook
      Sentinal Custom Notebook
   Computer Accessories  <<this hierarchy is not displayed in flex form)

In a flex form with Flex beyond form definition disabled (not selected), users cannot add Computer Accessories or its descendants. Users can add Notebooks and its descendants.

In a flex form with Flex beyond form definition enabled (selected), users can add Computer Accessories and its descendants as well as Notebooks and its descendants.

During form definition, note the following when enabling the Flex beyond form definition property:

  • In Dimension Properties, the Flex beyond form definition option will only be visible if either the Enable flex form for rows or Enable flex form for columns option, or both, is selected in Smart View Options.

  • When there are multiple dimensions on the form rows, Oracle recommends that you select the Flex beyond form definition property for each applicable row or column dimension individually. You may use the Dimension Properties option, Apply to all row | column | page dimensions, to apply the Flex beyond form definition property to all dimensions; however, use with care as all other dimension property selections will also be applied to all other dimensions.

See Designing Flex Forms in Administering Planning.