Filtering and Sorting in Flex Forms

  • Filtering does not disable Submit Data as it is only hiding certain rows.

  • Sorting disables Submit Data as it changes member order in the column. After sorting you must refresh to submit data.

  • To avoid undesirable sorting results, do not apply sorting to an entire column. Instead, select the grid members to sort, and then use Excel's Sort commands, Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A, or perform a custom sort.

  • After applying a filter to a row or column dimension, and then applying a sort within the filter drop-down dialog, the sort indicator arrow appears on the filter button within the grid. However, after a Refresh, the sort indicator arrow on the filter button is no longer displayed.

  • Excel grouping is expanded in two cases:

    • Filters are used. In this case, grouping is expanded on rows.
    • Adjust Column Width and Row Height is checked (Options dialog, Formatting tab)

    If you want to preserve Excel grouping, do not use filters or the Adjust Column Width and Row Height option. The Excel grouping expanded/collapsed state cannot be restored programmatically, and Excel automatically expands everything if filtering is applied or the row height/column width is automatically adjusted.