Selecting Members in Flex Forms

Users can select row or column members to add to a flex form using the Member Selection dialog box, available from the provider ribbon; for example, from the Planning ribbon. The Member Selection option is available only on flex forms, not on simple forms.


The Member Selection option is available in Oracle Smart View for Office 21.100+.

Use the Member Selection dialog to add row or column members to a flex form, similar to adding members to an ad hoc grid. The members you can add depend on the underlying form definition for the row or column dimensions:

  • If the Dimension Properties setting, Flex beyond form definition, is selected, users may select members outside those specified in the form definition. For example, suppose a form includes only the Computer Accessories members from the Product dimension. If Flex beyond form definition is selected for the Product dimension, then users may add other members from Product, such as Notebooks or Tablets, to the flex form. These members will be retained upon refresh. For more information, see Flexing Beyond the Form Definition.

  • In the form definition of a flex form, if specific members are not part of a dimension, then, even though you may be able to select and add those members in the Member Selection dialog, those members will be removed upon refresh.


    To add members outside the form definition, enable Flex beyond form definition on the applicable dimensions.

Member Selection uses the default alias table defined at the application level. When members are inserted on the grid, the members are displayed as member names until a Refresh is performed, and then aliases are displayed corresponding to the application setting.