Document Contents

Document Contents is a task pane in the Smart View Panel that provides a view of—and allows you to perform actions on—the content existing in the current Office document.

The Document Contents pane displays Office objects in a tree format, allowing you to easily see and interact with the content in a workbook, presentation, or document, regardless of the provider or type of content and including content from extensions. Content is displayed based on the provider connection, or the document layout on sheets, slides, or pages.

Use the drop-down selection list to choose from content in your workbook. The drop-down list in Figure 8-4 shows a workbook with connections to on-premises Essbase and on-premises Planning using a shared connection. A third connection is shown to on-premises Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition using a private connection.

The drop-down list for the workbook in Figure 8-4 displays the content for the shared connection sheets, and options for viewing the content on the private Oracle BI EE connection sheet.

Figure 8-4 Document Contents Pane Showing the Drop-down List

Document Contents pane showing the drop-down list.

Assuming we're on Sheet1, we select Current Document in the drop-down list in Document Contents and the content list changes to show that Sheet1 contains an Essbase grid, an Essbase ad hoc query, and an Essbase chart; Sheet3 contains a Planning grid, a Planning ad hoc query, and a Planning chart.

Figure 8-5 Document Contents Pane Showing the Content of Sheet1 and Sheet3

Document Contents pane showing the contents on Sheet1 and Sheet3.

To switch the view to Oracle BI EE, select Document Hierarchy under Oracle BI EE and the content view changes. Figure 8-6 shows an example of Oracle BI EE content in Document Contents in Excel.

Figure 8-6 Document Contents Pane Displaying Oracle BI EE Content

The Document Contents pane showing the content of an Excel sheet in a tree format. This sheet contains two charts and table

Depending on the provider, you can perform a subset of tasks on selected objects from the Document Contents pane.

  • For most providers, you can Select, Refresh or Delete content on a sheet, slide, or document.

  • For most providers, you can insert reporting objects, and perform other tasks.

  • For Oracle BI EE providers, you can perform additional tasks on individual views; for example, you can Mask a view, or review the properties of a view.

For example, in Figure 8-9, Sheet1 shows the Oracle Essbase connection, an Essbase ad hoc grid, and an Essbase. You can also see the same artifacts on Sheet3 for Planning, but we're focusing on Sheet1. With the Sheet node selected for Sheet1, the Refresh and Sheet Information options appear at the bottom of the Document Contents pane.

Figure 8-7 An Essbase Ad Hod Grid with the Sheet Node Selected in Document Contents

In the Document Contents pane, a Excel sheet containing an ad hoc grid and chart shown with the sheet node selected.

Click Sheet Information to view the Sheet Information dialog box (Figure 8-8), where you can also choose to Save or Delete the sheet.

Figure 8-8 Sheet Information Dialog Box for an Essbase Ad Hoc Grid

The Sheet Information dialog box for an Essbase ad hoc grid. It shows the Essbase Server name, application and cube name, connection URL, connection description, Provider type, Friendly name for the connection, and alias table used, if any, along with the sheet type, connection status, and the date that data was last retrieved on the sheet. There are also selectable Delete and Save buttons.

Select the object node in Document Contents, and the context changes showing the Select, Insert New Report Object/Control, Refresh, Modify Connection, and Delete options at the bottom of the pane (Figure 8-9).

Figure 8-9 An Essbase Ad Hoc Grid Selected in Document Contents

In the Document Contents pane, an Essbase ad hoc grid is selected. Available actions are Select, Insert New Reporting Object/Control, Refresh, and , Modify Connection, and Delete.

In general, content is grouped by Oracle Smart View for Office providers (Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, Planning, and Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis). Content from Oracle BI EE is grouped separately. In workbooks containing multiple objects from different data sources, you can switch the view using the Document Contents drop-down menu shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10 Available Options in Document Contents Drop-Down Menu

Document Contents drop-down menu showing the Current Document option, with two worksheets listed; the All Connections options, with objects listed by provider; and the option, with the Document Hierarchy listed.

Select the All Connections option and the Document Contents view changes to show objects sorted by provider (Figure 8-11).

Figure 8-11 Smart View Provider Content Listed by Provider in Document Contents

Document Contents listing provider objects (an ad hoc query and a form) listed by provider.

For Smart View provider content, such as Planning or Essbase objects, you can click in the tree area of Document Contents and then hover over an object icon to view connection properties, such as Server, Application, Cube, URL, Provider, POV and Alias Table, as shown in Figure 8-12. Properties vary depending on the provider.

Figure 8-12 Connection Properties of anEssbase Ad Hoc Query

The connection properties of an ad hoc query, displayed after hovering the cursor over the object icon in the Document Contents tree. Properties shown are Server, Application, Cube, URL, Provider, POV, and Alias Table.

For Oracle BI EE content, select an Oracle BI EE object, and then use the Properties link at the bottom of Document Contents to launch the View Properties dialog, where you can view connection and other properties (see Figure 8-6).

For some providers, such as Essbase and Planning ad hoc, you can insert reporting objects such as a table native Office chart based on an ad hoc query or grid object. Select the grid or query object in Document Contents, and then select Inserting Reporting Object/Control. You are prompted to choose from Table or Chart:

Insert new reporting object/control dialog, with options for inserting a Table and Chart


When inserting 3-D charts for large datasets (for example, more than 3,000 cells) from the Document Contents pane, Microsoft Office consumes large amounts of memory and may fail.

To avoid this issue, Smart View renders the chart as 2-D.

For Smart Slices and Financial Reporting, you can insert reporting objects such as function grids and slider controls. Refer to the following for more information on inserting these types of reporting objects from Document Contents:

Smart Slices

Smart View and Reporting and Analysis