Editing and Deleting Comments

You can edit a thread entry when it is the last entry in the thread that you posted.

You can delete a comment that you posted. You can also delete a comment thread entry that you posted when it is the last entry in the thread.

To edit or delete a comment:

  1. From the comment list in the Smart View Panel, click a comment that you started.
  2. To edit a comment:
    1. Click the drop-down list arrow as shown in Figure 17-49, and then select Modify.

      Figure 17-49 Comment Text Box with Drop-Down List Circled

      Comment text box with drop-down list arrow circled.
    2. Edit the comment text.


      You can add URLs, text formatting, and attachments to comments. See Attaching Supporting Files and Customizing Comment Text.

    3. Click Enter, Enter button, to update the comment.
    4. Click Close, Close button in EPRCS Comments text box, to exit the EPRCS Comments text box.
  3. To delete a comment, select either the comment or the last entry in a comment thread, then click the drop-down list arrow shown in Figure 17-49 for the comment or the thread entry, and then select Delete.


    You can only delete the last entry in a thread. Deleting the last entry does not delete the entire comment thread.

  4. To cancel modifications, click the Cancel or Close button, Close or Cancel button in EPRCS Comments text box. in the EPRCS Comments text box.