Sheet Information

You can view connection and other details for the current worksheet.

  1. From the Oracle Smart View for Office ribbon, click Sheet Info.

    Depending on the Smart View data on the sheet, Sheet Information displays details on the following properties:

    • Connected—Connection status; Yes if connected, No if not connected.

    • Sheet Type—Ad hoc, Multiple grid ad hoc, or Form.

    • Server—The name of the server to which the sheet is connected.

    • Application—The application to which the sheet is connected.

    • Cube—The cube, model, or database to which the sheet is connected.

    • URL—The URL string of the data source provider to which the sheet is connected.

    • Provider—The data source type to which the sheet is connected; for example, Planning, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, or Analytic Services (Oracle Essbase).

    • Provider URL—The URL string of the data source provider to which the sheet is connected; this property is applicable to Analytic Oracle Hyperion Provider Services and earlier releases.

    • Friendly Name—For private connections only. The data source connection name specified by the user when creating or editing a private connection, or when adding a shared connection to private connections.

    • Alias Table—The current alias table.

    • Associated Ranges—For multiple grid sheets. The sheet name, application, database, and a unique identifier for each grid in the multiple grid sheet. Multiple grid worksheets apply to Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase data sources only. To use Sheet Information with multiple grid worksheets, see Example 8-1.

    • Description—For private connections only. The optional connection description entered by the person creating or editing the private connection.

    • Form Name—The name of the form to which the sheet is connected. This properties applies when connected to forms in Planning and Financial Management only.

    • Last Retrieved—The date and time that the last refresh was performed on the sheet.

  2. Optional: Select the following options as needed.
    • Delete—Provides these options for deleting Smart View metadata:

      • Delete worksheet metadata

      • Delete workbook metadata

      • Delete all metadata (deletes workbook metadata and all worksheets)

    • Save—Saves the Sheet Information content to an Excel spreadsheet.

  3. Optional: To copy the selected item in the list to the clipboard, press Ctrl+C.

    To copy the entire Sheet Information list, ensure that no items are selected in Sheet Information, then press Ctrl+C. If you have already selected an item in the list, then close Sheet Information, reopen it, and press Ctrl+C.

  4. Click OK.
  5. To view sheet information support by provider, sheet type, and connection status, see Sheet Information Support By Provider.

Example 8-1 Sheet Information Notes

  • Friendly names are for private connections only. The friendly name is the data source connection name specified by the user when creating or editing a private connection, or when adding a shared connection to private connections.

  • When using the Sheet Info command with multiple grid worksheets:

    • To display information on all grids on a multiple grid worksheet, click anywhere outside of the grid boundaries, or select only one cell within a grid.

    • To display information for only one of the grids on a multiple grid worksheet, select the entire grid, and do not select any cells outside of the grid boundaries.

  • When connected to Planning, it is not necessary to use the Set as Default Connection option to associate the sheet with an active connective. The association is made automatically immediately after connecting.

  • When you associate a connection to an ad hoc worksheet using Set Active Connection, members may disappear from the worksheet when you refresh. Instead of associating a connection, perform direct ad hoc analysis on the worksheet.