
Data sources: Provider-independent


HsGetSheetInfo retrieves detailed information about the current worksheet, as described in Table 19-3.

Table 19-3 HsGetSheetInfo Details

Numerical Equivalent String Equivalent Sheet Information
1 Connected Connection status
2 Sheet Type Ad hoc or form
3 Server The server to which the sheet is connected
4 Application The application to which the sheet is connected
5 Cube The cube to which the sheet is connected
6 URL The URL to which the sheet is connected
7 Provider The data source type to which the sheet is connected
8 Provider URL The provider to which the sheet is connected; applicable for Oracle Hyperion Provider Services connections
9 Friendly Name The data source connection name
10 Alias Table The current alias table
11 User The user name
12 Description The connection description


HsGetSheetInfo("<string equivalent>")
HsGetSheetInfo("<numerical equivalent>")

For detailed syntax information, see Creating Functions Manually.


In this example, HsGetSheetInfo tells you whether the worksheet contains an ad hoc grid or a form.

HsGetSheetInfo("Sheet Type")