Using Cell References

You can enter references to single cells for connection, label, data/text, or variable arguments. You can also enter references to two contiguous or noncontiguous cells for dimension/member references. References cannot be made to cell ranges of more than two cells.

To use cell references:

  1. Follow the steps in Creating Functions in the Function Builder to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
  2. In the Function Arguments dialog box, for each argument in the selected function, click the Cell Reference button, Cell Reference button, opens Cell Reference dialog box.

    Depending on the type of argument selected, a Cell Reference dialog box is displayed.

    • If you select a connection, label, data/text, or variable argument, the Select Single Cell Reference dialog box is displayed.

      Figure 19-4 Select Single Cell Reference Dialog Box

      Select Single Cell Reference dialog box, where you manually enter a single cell reference that represents a connection, label, data/text, or variable argument.
    • If you select a member list argument, the Cell Reference dialog box for a dimension and member name cell reference is displayed.

      Figure 19-5 Dimension and Member Name Cell Reference Dialog Box

      Cell Reference dialog box, where you manually enter a either single cell reference for a cell that represents a dimension and member, or use the Ctrl key to select two contiguous or noncontiguous cells representing a dimension and member.
  3. In the grid, perform an action:
    • For the Single Cell Reference dialog box, depending on the type of argument, click a single cell to reference; for example, a cell containing a variable.

      Figure 19-6 shows the Single Cell Reference dialog box with a cell selected for a label argument.

      Figure 19-6 Cell Reference Dialog Box with Single Cell for Label Argument Selected

      Cell Reference dialog box with a single cell for a label argument selected
    • For the Dimension and Member Name Cell Reference dialog box, do one of the following:

      • Click a single cell to reference; for example, a cell that contains both a dimension and a member name.

      • Pressing the Ctrl key, select two contiguous or noncontiguous cells; for example, a dimension and a member cell.

        You may press Ctrl, click in two cells from different areas of the worksheet or two adjacent cells. Each cell selection much be performed by a single click while the Ctrl key is still pressed.

      Figure 19-7 shows the Dimension and Member Name Cell Reference dialog box with two noncontiguous cells selected.

      Figure 19-7 Cell Reference Dialog Box with Two Noncontiguous Cells Selected

      Cell Reference dialog box with two noncontiguous cells selected, cells A23 and B26
  4. Click OK in the Cell Reference dialog box.

    In Function Arguments, the text field for the argument contains the referenced cell or cells in the format shown in Table 19-2.

    Table 19-2 Cell Reference Formats

    Cell Reference Format in Function Arguments
    Single cell ""&A3&""

    See "Notes" below this table for a full explanation.

    Two contiguous cells ""&A3&"#"&B3&""
    Two noncontiguous cells ""&A5&"#"&B9&""


    • For a single cell reference, if the member name that you selected in step 3 is displayed as dimension#member in the grid, then the argument selection is complete. For example, if the member is displayed in the grid as Year#Qtr 2 in cell A3, then ""&A3&"" is complete.

      If only the member name is displayed in the grid, then you must manually enter the dimension name followed by # between the first two sets of double quotation marks. For example, if the member is displayed as Qtr2 in cell A3, then you must enter Year# between the quotation marks: "Year#"&A3&""

    • If an argument text field contains text before you select a reference cell, the cell reference text is appended to this text. Therefore, delete any unwanted text in the field before selecting a cell for reference.

  5. Click OK to insert the function in the selected cell.
  6. Refresh.