
Documents can be attached to individual data cells by way of URLs or files.

Data source types: Planning

Each data cell can contain multiple documents attached by one or more users. Depending on the permission level assigned to you by the administrator, you may be able to do any of the following in a data cell:

  • Attach documents.

  • View the documents that you and other users have attached.

  • Edit and delete documents that you have attached. You cannot edit or delete documents attached by other users.

  • Attach URLs.

Cells that contain attachments can be associated with a cell style. See Cell Styles.


If you are migrating from an on-premises environment to cloud, and your forms have Planning and Budgeting Cloud Workspace URL attachments that reference documents uploaded in the Planning and Budgeting Cloud Workspace, you cannot access these URLs or documents in Oracle Smart View for Office. Instead, you can attach the documents directly to the form.

Watch this overview video to get acquainted with some basic Smart View functionality related to Planning, including working with attachments.

video icon Overview video

To attach documents or URLs to a data cell:

  1. Select one data cell or a range of data cells in a Planning ad hoc grid or form.

  2. From the Planning ribbon or Planning Ad Hoc ribbon, select Cell Actions and then Attachment.

  3. In the Attachments dialog, click the Attach button, The Attach button, showing a down arrow, and select File or URL.

  4. If you selected File in step 3, then, in the Select File to Attach to Cell dialog, navigate to the file that you want to attach, select it, and click Open.

    The file is uploaded to the selected cell.


    • Each file you attach must have a unique file name, whether you are attaching files to the same cell or to different cells in a range.

    • To attach files to cells in a range, select a cell from the drop-down list in the Attachments dialog, navigate to the file, select it, and click Open to upload the file to the selected cell. Repeat for each different file you want to attach to different cells in the range.

  5. If you selected URL in step 3, a new row is added where you enter the following information:

    • Click in the cell under Description to add a brief description.

    • Click in the cell under Reference to enter the URL location of the document or web page that you want to attach.


    If you selected a range of cells, you can either attach URLs to one cell at a time or attach the same URL to all selected cells.

    • To attach a URL to one cell in the range, select the cell from the drop-down menu, select Attach, then URL, and then enter the Description and Reference.

    • To attach one URL to all selected cells in the range, select Apply to all selected cells.

  6. If you attached only URLs, or attached a combination of URLs and files, then, to save your attachment selections, click Save button.

  7. Repeat this procedure to add attachments as you require.

  8. Optional: To edit a Reference entry, click Edit button, edit the reference, and then click Edit Complete button.

  9. Optional: To delete an attachment, select the attachment in the list and click Delete button.

  10. Click Close.

Launching Attachments

To launch an attached document in a new browser:

  1. Select the cell that contains the attachment.

  2. From the Planning or Planning Ad Hoc ribbon, select Cell Actions and then Attachment.

  3. Click Launch button.