Resolving Financial Consolidation and Close Database Refresh Failure Error 1060200

Database refresh from Financial Consolidation and Close non-hybrid application displays the following error:

Cube refresh failed with Essbase Cube: Consol, Error code: 1060200, Message: HSP_TMP_db248fa7-058e-4ddc-9891-46c9346a8b33


This error occurs, generally, after you add a shared entity under mid-hierarchy where the entity being added was already shared above and below the hierarchy.


  1. Use one of these performance substitution variables to improve performance. The degree of performance improvement varies widely across different applications as it is purely driven by the application design and data distribution.
    • OptimizeConcurrency: Use this substitution variable with a value of true (OptimizeConcurrency=true) to improve the concurrency of the consolidation process by executing some of the calculations at the very beginning or at the end. The degree of improvement depends on the entity structure. Deep entity hierarchies will see more performance improvement than shallow entity hierarchies.
    • DeltaDBRefresh: Use this substitution variable with a value of true (DeltaDBRefresh=true) to perform only necessary actions based on metadata change. Not applicable for Legacy Non "Extended Dimensionality" applications.
    • OluRatesLoad: Use this substitution variable with a value of true (OLURatesLoad = True) to improve database refresh peformance if the application has a lot of scenarios, currencies and rate accounts.
    • OptimizeDBRefresh: Use this substitution variable with a value of true (OptimizeDBRefresh=true) to improve performance by streamlining the way that exchange rates are pushed to the Console cube during the database refresh.
  2. Change the newly added shared member down to the bottom.
    1. Open the Financial Consolidation and Close application.
    2. Select Navigator, then Dimensions, and then Entity.
    3. Select the hierarchy where you recently added the shared member.
    4. Move the selected hierarchy to the bottom using the Move Down icon.
    5. Refresh the database and verify that the process completes successfully. If database refresh fails, take necessary corrective actions.
    6. After the database refresh is complete, move the shared entity to its original location.
    7. Refresh the database again and verify that the process completes successfully.