Requesting Performance Validation for Planning, Planning Modules, and Financial Consolidation and Close

Performance validation aims to ensure that your Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management business process is performing as expected. You can complete the performance validation when the application is ready for user acceptance testing or any time you have concerns about the business process performance.

Supported Business Processes

Performance validation is available to all customers of the following business processes. Oracle enforces no entry criteria for requesting this service.

  • Planning
  • Planning Modules
  • Financial Consolidation and Close

How this Program Works

This service can be initiated only after you functionally build your business process and load test data (similar to production data).

  1. If the customer is an ISP participant (see Enrolling in the Implementation Success Program), the ISP Lead offers performance validation as a part of the program. If the customer is not an ISP participant, an Oracle contact (Product Manager or a member of the Sales Team) introduces performance validation to the customer, who then makes a formal request to participate in the program.
  2. If the customer is not an ISP participant, Oracle formally approves the request to participate in the program. ISP participants do not require a formal Oracle approval.
  3. Complete the steps included in the following section.

Steps to Request Performance Validation

These two options are available to validate performance:

  1. A self-service load testing using the simulateConcurrentUsage EPM Automate command.

    This command validates the performance of an environment to verify that the response time is acceptable when the service is under load during specific operations run by a specific number of users. It allows you to perform self-service load testing when ever needed.

  2. Ask Oracle to execute a performance validation by running the simulateConcurrentUsage EPM Automate command.

    To request Oracle to validate performance:

    1. If you are requesting performance validation as a part of the implementation success program, use the service request created for the Implementation success program and attach the following information, which Oracle needs to perform load testing. Otherwise, create a new technical service request and attach the following information. See Submitting a Technical Service Request.
      • An input zip file that identifies your use cases.
      • The lag time, which is the number of seconds (5 seconds or more) that the command should wait between the execution of each use case. Default is 5 seconds. After initiating the execution of a use case by one user, the command waits for the number of seconds specified by this value to initiate the execution of the use case by the next user. Because user activities are not usually initiated simultaneously, setting this parameter helps to create a more realistic simulation of load on an environment.
      The input zip file must contain these files:
    2. Oracle reviews the submitted information and executes the simulation.
    3. Oracle attaches the simulation results to the service request.