Supporting Details

When reporting a calculation issue in an SR, the supporting details provided can help accelerate diagnosis of the issue. Whenever reporting a calculation issue, it is a best practice to provide the following details:

  • Model Validation Results

    Run the Model Validation for Rules and Rulesets to identify rules with metadata update issues. Confirm in the SR if this step has been done.

  • System Reports

    Run the following reports and attach them to the SR:

    • Execution Statistics: Shows the details of the calculation run, execution times, range sizes, and other details for every rule processed during the calculation run.
    • Dimension Statistics: Shows the relative sizes of dimensions and dimension types.
    • Program Documentation: Provides the exact definition of the rules being investigated.
    • POV Statistics: Shows the overall count of periods with data in the application and the calculation times for other periods.
  • Additional Detail that May be Requested by Support

    • Oracle Essbase Debug Scripts

      Essbase Debug Scripts show the exact commands being submitted to Essbase for the rules executed during a calculation run. Debug scripts for an entire calculation run can be very large, so it is not advisable to provide debug scripts unless requested and only for a run that isolates the specific rule or rules being investigated.

    • Whether this is a critical outage.