Selecting Members for the Global POV

To select members for the Global POV:

  1. At the top of the report in the POV bar click on an available dimension label to select a member.

    If a POV dimension is disabled (gray colored label), you are not able to change the selection for that dimension.

  2. If a single member is displayed (the report designer selected one member) in the POV member list, from preview you can click on the member in the POV bar and make a selection for that dimension by selecting All Members... or select Action menu to open the Member Selector. and then Select Members... to open the Member Selector dialog to select additional members.

    Recently selected members for the same dimension are also listed.

  3. If multiple members are listed in the POV member list, select a member from the list.

  4. If the report designer has enabled additional selections for a dimension, you can click on All Members… to open the Member Selector dialog to select additional members for the dimension.

  5. If the designer has enabled "Print All Selections" for a dimension with multiple selections and if the report is previewed in PDF, the dimension does not display in the POV bar since the report displays on separate pages for each member selection.

  6. Optional: Repeat selecting members for other Global POV dimensions, where applicable.


  • Selected members in the Global POV are saved for future sessions for reports with the same data source for each user. The previously selected members for a dimension are selected by default when opening another report against the same data source.

  • If an attribute dimension is in the Global POV, the report designer can choose to exclude the attribute dimension from the initial report query. This will result in the attribute dimension displaying a - for its selection. A POV member can be selected and the attribute dimension will included in the report query. Any POV selection made for an attribute dimension when Exclude is enabled, is not saved for future sessions. When re-running the preview, the selection will be reset to -.

  • If the report results are too large to be rendered in the browser, you are prompted to download the report as a PDF where you can either select button to download or cancel button. to cancel the operation.

  • When substitution and user variables are used as selections for the Report Point of View and in prompts, the Variable values are retrieved when the system first connects to the data source. The member selector and/or POV will display the Variable’s value. When running a Report, the latest Variable value will be retrieved. However, if a Variable value changes during a user’s session, the change will not be reflected in the Variable value displayed in the member selector or POV, until the user reconnects to a new session by logging out and logging in again.

  • Using the member selector, if you select a POV for dimensions with over 25,000 members, the search in the member selector is only based on the member name (not alias) and is a "starts with" type search, rather than a "contains" type search.