Responding to Report Prompts

If a report designer has added prompts to the Global POV (where Print All Selections is enabled), grid columns, or grid rows, you select the members for the prompts from the Select Members dialog box when you preview the report. You can select from a choice list that the designer specified, or from all members of a dimension that you have access to if the designer did not specify a choice list.

The dialog box groups the prompts for the Report POV and the grid rows and columns. Prompt Example shows an example of the Select Members dialog box with the prompts grouped by Report POV and then Grid 1 rows and columns.

Figure 1-1 Prompt Example

Select Members dialog box with prompts for Report POV and Rows and Columns for Grid 1

If a report designer has specified a default member or members for a prompt, they are displayed in the prompt fields.

Click member selector to open the Member Selector and then select the members that you want to display for the prompt. Click Reset to reset all selections back to their default values.


Your prompt selections are retained for the current session while previewing the report.