Creating a Standalone Report of a Doclet

You can create a copy of a doclet as a new standalone report by saving it as a report. After saving it as a standalone report, you can insert it into another Disclosure Management report. A doclet saved as a standalone report retains the XBRL mappings, contexts, units, footnotes, tuple groups, and any variables whose source information comes from the doclet or from a static value. The doclet retains the report properties of the Disclosure Management report.


You can insert a doclet into another Disclosure Management report without first creating a standalone report.

To create a standalone report of a doclet:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
  2. Open a Disclosure Management report.
  3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage.
  4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, highlight the doclet that you want to use as a standalone report, then select Actions, and then select Save as Report.