Creating Artifacts in the Library

The library is adaptive and dynamically enforces specific folder rules and actions available on types of artifacts. The actions that are available in the library are location-specific. That is, the actions available to you depend on where in the library you are.

For example, you can create a personal folder to organize artifacts in the library. Click create icon in the navigation pane or content pane. If you create a folder in the navigation area, the folder is added after the system generated folders but not within. In the content area, you can create a personal folder within any of the following folders that have been selected in the navigation pane to help with organization:

  • Favorites

  • My Library

  • Application

  • Any personal folder that you created or can access

Depending on the folder type selected in the navigation pane, you might have more options. For example, if the My Library folder is selected, you can inspect and audit.


For localized versions of Narrative Reporting, you should not create custom folders spelled the same as a translated system folder. This is due to certain implications when opening the same localized version of Narrative Reporting in English.