Learning About the Navigation and Content Panes

The library's navigation pane contains a list of default, system-generated, and personal folders.

The content pane contains the contents of the folders in the navigation pane. Click and drag the vertical separator to adjust the windows.

The navigation pane’s user-created folders and system-generated personal folders help you stay organized.

  • User-created folders; for example John Smith Report Packages.

  • System-generated personal folders; Recent, Favorites, and My Library:


The menus and actions available for the following are role based.


Contains shortcuts to recently accessed content. The number of recent shortcuts retained is set in preferences, see the Library tab in Managing User Preferences. You can inspect shortcuts, which are read only, to view artifact properties. Refresh to update the contents. See Inspect. See the Using the Action Menus for more information on how to access the action menus to select these options. Additional rules for this folder are:

  • Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.

  • The user cannot copy, move, or rename the shortcuts in this folder.

  • The user can delete shortcuts in this folder.

  • If the name of the artifact to which the Recent shortcut points to is changed, the name of the shortcut is also changed.

  • If the source artifact is deleted, the recent shortcut is deleted.

  • The ability of the given user to access the artifact that the Recent shortcut points to is governed by the user’s permissions on the base artifact, not the shortcut.

  • The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a recent artifact are from the source artifact.


Contains shortcuts to artifacts marked as favorites. Includes the same options available as the Recent folder. Additional rules for this folder are:

  • Only the given user can see the shortcuts in this folder.

  • The user can rename and delete shortcuts in this folder, and add or change a description.

  • The user can move a sub-folder or shortcut contained in this folder only within the Favorites folder or its children.

  • The user cannot copy or move artifacts to or from outside the Favorites folder, this includes the copy and move of shortcuts.

  • The name of the favorite shortcut does not need to match the source artifact, and if the source artifacts name changes, the name of the shortcut contained in the Favorites does not change.

  • If the source artifact is deleted, the favorite artifact is deleted.

  • The artifact properties shown in the Inspect dialog for a Favorites artifact (shortcut or folder) are from the favorites artifact.

My Library

Personal artifacts such as Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, shortcuts, and folders. Includes the same options as the Recent and Favorites folders, plus adds auditing. You cannot give another user access to the content in My Library. The audit type artifact file is created in the Audit Logs folder and audit is added to the artifact name, for example Audit — reportpackageRP1. Additional rules for this folder are:

  • Only the service administrator or given user can see the artifacts in this folder.

  • You can't create report packages in the My Library folder, or move or copy report packages to it. However, you can use shortcuts to report packages in the My Library folder.

  • Other artifacts can be copied or moved into or out-of this folder.

System-generated folders; Audit Logs, Report Packages, Reports, Books, Bursting Definitions, Application, Fonts and Data Sources:

  • Audit Logs—Contain system and artifact type audit files created from the system level or artifact.

  • Report Package—Contain report packages that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are created.

  • Application—Contain application that has been created.

  • Fonts—Contain fonts that can be used for artifacts.

    Data Sources—Contain the data source connections created for Reports reports.

    Reports—Contain reports that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are created.

  • Books

    — Contain Books that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are created.
  • Bursting Definitions — Contain Bursting Definitions that reside elsewhere in the folders of the library, where they are created.