About Cubes in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management applications contain cubes that store data and metadata. As you manage dimensions, members, and data in your application, you associate them with cubes. The association ensures that the cube contains only relevant application dimensions, members, and data values, and that application design, size, and performance are optimized.

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management comes pre-loaded with the following cubes:

  • PCM_CLC: Use this cube to run calculations.

  • PCM_REP: Use this cube to view data and run reports.

For performance reasons, it is best to keep the amount of data in the PCM_CLC cube small. To do this, move calculation results for completed time periods from the PCM_CLC cube to the PCM_REP cube, where you can then view data and reports.

For example, instead of calculating data for January and leaving it in the PCL_CLC cube, and then calculating data for February and leaving it in the PCL_CLC cube, and so on for months or even years, it is better to periodically move the data from the PCM_CLC cube to the PCM_REP cube and keep only the actively-calculated data in the PCM_CLC cube.

To view and manage cubes:

  1. From the Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Home page, select Application, and then select Overview.

  2. Select the Cubes tab, and perform a task:


You can add only Aggregate Storage (ASO) cubes in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management.