Best Practices for Allocation Rule Source and Destination

  • Avoid using tops of hierarchies in rule Source, Destination or Targets whenever possible.

    The database is efficient, but compact rule definitions can make it more efficient.

    For example, a source defined as "AllAccounts", "AllEntities", "AllCompanies", and " AllProducts ", where Accounts, Entities, Companies, and Products each have 1000 level 0 members requires the database to scan 10004 (1 trillion) potential locations for source data.

  • Use the "Same as Source" option in the allocation destination. See Setting the Destination to Same As Source.

    • Allows you to use a single rule to process many source combinations where you want allocations to "stay home" for some dimensions and spread across others

    • Often allows one Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management rule to replace many rules from a legacy system

  • Source member selections should favor the parent member

    • Avoid picking individual children if you can pick a parent, or use an alternate hierarchy designed for rule processing that allows you to group members in a common parent.

    • Oracle Essbase is often much faster if it can process all descendants of a parent instead of making multiple passes for each child.

  • Questionable source and destination combinations need to be challenged.

    For example, if both your Source and Desitnation is "Total Entity", you will have a large cross product of Entity combinations.

  • If you adopt allocation rule designs from a legacy system, make sure you understand the true business requiment before applying them to your rules in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management.