Setting the Destination to Same As Source

You can define the members for a dimension in the destination to be the same as the members selected for a dimension in the source. In this case, when the rule runs, members in the destination are selected for allocation by matching to the member selection in the source. Members in the source selection that are not level 0 are resolved to level 0 members and then are matched with level 0 members in the destination. This means that values associated with a source member are not allocated to other members for the dimension, but will remain associated with the same member as the source.

To set the destination members to be the same as the source members:

  1. Click Dimensions Destination Actions icon next to a dimension in the Destination column.

  2. Select Set Destination Same As Source.

When you select Set Destination Same As Source, you can select the same dimension used in the source (Same as Source, Same Dimension), or you can select a different dimension (Same as Source, Different Dimension).

Same as Source, Same Dimension

Select the same dimension that you used in the source if you want to allocate to the same members in the destination dimension that you used in the source dimension. This is the default.

In this example, we selected the Account dimension, which is the same as the source Account dimension.

Same as source same dimension

When defining the destination range, you can use the Same as Source, Same Dimension option for as many dimensions as desired.

Same as Source, Different Dimension

In rare cases when dimension members in different dimensions are nearly identical, you can use the Same as Source, Different Dimension option. In this case, you are requesting that the destination members match the source members you selected for a different dimension.

Selecting a different dimension than the source dimension allows you to create source and destination references with dimensions that use members names that occur in multiple dimensions. For example, you could use both the Origin Entity and Target Entity dimensions in order to track sending and receiving entities in the allocation results.

In this example, we selected the Entity dimension, which is different than the source Account dimension.

Same as source different dimension

When defining the destination range, you can use the Same as Source, Different Dimension option for only one dimension.


When using the Same as Source, Different Dimension option, keep in mind that you cannot have duplicate member names, even if the members are in different dimensions. For example, if you had an Entity called Sales and an Account called Sales, you would use a prefix to differentiate the members. For example, ENT_Sales and ACC_Sales.

See Defining Member Matching Expressions for information on how to define expressions to match member names.