Canceling a Calculation Job

You can cancel a calculation job once it has been submitted. As an example, you may wish to cancel a job if it is locked in an iterative process or if it is an exceptionally long calculation and you wish to make changes and then resubmit the job.

To cancel a calculation job after you have submitted it:

  1. In the Jobs console, select a job that has a status of Processing.

  2. Click Action button, and select Cancel.

    Jobs Console with Cancel selected for a Processing job

    The job status changes to Pending Cancel.

    Jobs Console showing a job with a Pending Cancel status

    When the cancellation is complete, the status changes to Cancelled.

    Jobs Console showing a job with a Cancelled status


  • If the status seems to be stuck at Pending Cancel, click Refresh to refresh the job statuses.

  • If the job you are trying to cancel has a status of Processing, but you get a message that says "Cannot cancel selected Business Rule because it is not in a processing state", the job may have some formula syntax errors. In this case, return to the Calculation Control page to troublehsoot the errors and re-run the job.