Column Definitions for Task Manager

This section provides the column definitions for the following Task Manager objects:

Task Manager – Schedule Tasks

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Schedule Tasks columns.

Table 27-2 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Schedule Tasks

Column Name Description
Approver 1-10 User, Group, or Team responsible for approving the task
Approver 1-10 (Actual) User who approved the task
Approver 1-10 (Backup) User who can approve the task if the Approver (Primary) is unavailable
Approver 1-10 (Primary) User, Group, or Team that was specified to approve the task
Approver 1-10 End Date (Actual) Actual end date when the role was completed
Approver 1-10 End Date (Actual, Local) Actual end date when the role was completed, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 End Date (Assigned) Assigned end date for the approver
Approver 1-10 End Date (Assigned, Local) Assigned end date for the approver of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Rejections (Count) Total count of scheduled tasks rejected by the approver
Approver 1-10 Scheduled End Date Effective end date for the approver of the task
Approver 1-10 Scheduled End Date (Local) Scheduled end date for the approver of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Scheduled Start Date Effective start date for the approver of the task
Approver 1-10 Scheduled Start Date (Local) Scheduled start date for the approver of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Start Date Assigned start date of the task
Approver 1-10 Start Date (Local) Assigned start date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approvers (Count) Total count of assigned approvers
Assignee User, Group, or Team currently responsible for working on the task
Assignee (Actual) User who submitted the task
Assignee (Backup) User who can work on the task if the Assignee (Primary) is unavailable
Assignee (Primary) User, Group, or Team who was specified to work on the task
Assignee End Date Effective end date for the assigned user
Assignee End Date (Actual) Actual end date when the assignee role was completed
Assignee End Date (Actual, Local) Actual end date when the assignee role was completed, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Assignee End Date (Assigned) Effective end date for the assignee role to be completed
Assignee End Date (Assigned, Local) Actual end date when the role was completed, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Assignee End Date (Local) assigned End Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Comments (Count) Total count of comments for the scheduled task
Created By Name of the user who created the scheduled task
Created On Date and time when the scheduled task was created
Description Description of the scheduled task
End Date Effective end date of the scheduled task
Ever Been Late (Assignee) Indicates whether the date when the assignee submitted the task was past the due date
Ever Been Late (Approver 1-10) Indicates whether approver role has ever been late
Execution Type Execution type such as End User, System Automated, or Event Monitoring
Instructions Set of instructions for completing the scheduled task
Integration Integration associated with the scheduled task
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the scheduled task
Last Updated On Date and time when the scheduled task was last updated
Late (Approver 1-10) Indicates whether the approver completed the task past the due date
Late (Assignee) Indicates whether the assignee completed the task past the due date
Open Task Indicates whether the task is opened
Organizational Unit Assigned organizational unit
Owner Name of the scheduled task owner, which must be a Service Administrator or Power User
Parent Task ID of the parent task
Predecessors Predecessor for the current task. It can be from another template.
Priority Priority of the task
References (Count) Count of references added for the scheduled task (URL and content server references)
Rules (Count) Total count of rules directly on the scheduled task
Run As Run the task as the user. Only applicable for system-automated tasks.
Run As Authorized User who can authorize this task. If the Run As user is the user who also created the task, then the user can authorize the task, without being prompted to re-enter their password.
Start Date Effective start date of the scheduled task
Start Task Early Indicates whether the assignee is allowed to open a pending task prior to the scheduled start time
Status (Icon) Icon indicating the status of the scheduled task
Successors Successor for the current task
Task ID Unique identifier for the task
Task Type Type of task


The following example shows the task workflow between Assignee or Approver, Actual Assignee or Approver, and Primary Assignee or Approver.

Sl No Action Assignee / Approver Assignee / Approver (Actual) Assignee / Approver (Primary) Comments
1 Initial state PREP_TEAM PREP_TEAM No one has claimed or submitted the task
2 Barry Mills claims the task Barry Mills PREP_TEAM User information based on claim action
3 Barry Mills submits the task Barry Mills Barry Mills PREP_TEAM Actual set on workflow action
4 Admin re-assigns task to Susan Chang Susan Chang Barry Mills Susan Chang Both Assignee and Assignee (Primary) are changed, but Assignee (Actual) remains with the user who submitted the task
5 Task is rejected Susan Chang Susan Chang Assignee (Actual) is cleared. Workflow goes back to the user who was re-assigned in the previous step
6 Susan Chang submits the task Susan Chang Susan Chang Susan Chang Actual set on new user’s workflow action.

Task Manager – Templates

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager templates columns.

Table 27-3 Column Definitions - Task Manager Templates

Column Name Description
Created By Name of the user who created the template
Created On Date and time when the template was created
Description Description of the template
Embedded In A list of templates that the current template is embedded in
Embedded Only Template is only to be used as an embedded template and isn’t allowed to be deployed. This prevents supporting templates from being deployed by mistake.
Embedded Templates A list of templates that are embedded in the current template
Last Schedule Last schedule created from each template
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the template
Last Updated On Date and time when the template was last updated
Name Name of the template
Number of Days After Day 0 Number of days a template tracks after day zero. Days after Day Zero are represented as Day 3, Day 4, and so on.
Number of Days Before Day 0 Number of days a template tracks before day zero. Days before Day Zero are represented as Day-5, Day-4, and so on.
Organizational Unit Assigned organizational unit
Owner Name of the template owner, which must be a Service Administrator or Power User. The template owner is also the default owner of all tasks in the template unless overridden at the task level.
Schedules Total number of schedules created from each template

Task Manager - Template Tasks

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager template task columns.

Table 27-4 Column Definitions - Task Manager Template Tasks

Column Name Description
Active Status of the task template
Approver 1-10 User, Group, or Team responsible for approving the task
Approver 1-10 (Backup) User who can approve the task if the Approver (Primary) is unavailable
Approver 1-10 (Primary) User, Group, or Team that was specified to approve the task
Approver 1-10 End Date (Assigned) Assigned end date for the approver
Approver 1-10 End Date (Assigned, Local) Assigned End Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Scheduled End Date Scheduled End Date of the task
Approver 1-10 Scheduled End Date (Local) Scheduled End Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Scheduled Start Date Scheduled Start Date of the task
Approver 1-10 Scheduled Start Date (Local) Scheduled Start Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approver 1-10 Start Date Assigned Start Date of the task
Approver 1-10 Start Date (Local) Assigned Start Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Approvers (Count) Total count of assigned approvers
Assignee User, Group, or Team currently responsible for working on the task
Assignee (Backup) User who can work on the task if the Assignee (Primary) is unavailable
Assignee (Primary) User, Group, or Team who was specified to work on the task
Assignee End Date End date for the assigned user
Assignee End Date (Local) Assigned End Date of the task, in the local time zone of the org unit (if assigned an org unit)
Created By Name of the user who created the template task
Created On Date and time when the template task was created
Description Description of the template task
Execution Type The execution type such as End User, System Automated, or Event Monitoring
Instructions Set of instructions for completing the task
Integration The execution type, End User, System Automated or Event Monitoring
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the template task
Last Updated On Date and time when the template task was last updated
Organizational Unit Assigned organizational unit
Owner Name of the template task owner, which must be a Service Administrator or Power User. The template task owner is also the default owner of all tasks in the template unless overridden at the task level.
Parent Task ID of the parent task
Predecessors Predecessor for the current task. It can be from another template.
Priority Priority of the task
References (Count) Count of references added for the template task (URL and content server references).
Rules (Count) Total count of rules directly on the enterprise journal
Run As Run the task as the user. Only applicable for system-automated tasks.
Run As Authorized User who can authorize this task. If the Run As user is the user who also created the task, then the user can authorize the task, without being prompted to re-enter their password.
Start Task Early Whether the assignee is allowed to open a pending task prior to the scheduled start time
Successors Successor for the current task
Task ID Unique identifier for the task
Task Type Type of task
Template Template associated with the task

Task Manager – Schedules

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Schedules columns.

Table 27-5 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Schedules

Column Name Description
Created By Name of the user who created the schedule
Created On Date and time when the schedule was created
Date Zero Date Date to assign as day zero
Description Description of the schedule
End Date Effective end date for the schedule
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the schedule
Last Updated On Date and time when the schedule was last updated
Name Name of the schedule
Organizational Unit Organizational unit associated with the schedule
Owner Name of the schedule owner, which must be a Service Administrator or Power User
Period Period for the schedule
Start Date Effective start date for the schedule
Status Status of the schedule
Tasks Tasks associated with the schedule
Year Year when the schedule was created

Task Manager – Task Types

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Task Types columns.

Table 27-6 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Task Types

Column Name Description
Created By Name of the user who created the task type
Created On Date and time when the task type was created
Description Description of the task type
Execution Type Type of execution associated with the task type
Integration Integration associated with the task type
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the task type
Last Updated On Date and time when the task type was last updated
Name Name of the task type
Task Type ID Unique identifier of the task type

Task Manager – Integrations

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Integrations columns.

Table 27-7 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Integrations

Column Name Description
Connection Application to which the task belongs
Created By Name of the user who created the integration
Created On Date and time when the integration was created
Description Description of the integration
Execution Type Execution type for the integration
Integration Cloud Deployment Associated integration cloud deployment for the integration
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the integration
Last Updated On Date and time when the integration was last updated
Name Name of the integration

Task Manager – Alert Types

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Alert Types columns.

Table 27-8 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Alert Types

Column Name Description
Alert Type ID Unique identifier for the alert type
Associated With Object associated with the alert type such as a task
Created By Name of the user who created the alert type
Created On Date and time when the alert type was created
Description Description of the alert type
Enabled Indicates whether the alert type is enabled
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the alert type
Last Updated On Date and time when the alert type was last updated
Name Name of the alert type

Task Manager – Filters

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Filters columns.

Table 27-9 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Filters

Column Name Description
Created By Name of the user who created the filter
Created On Date and time when the filter was created
Description Description of the filter
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the filter
Last Updated On Date and time when the filter was last updated
Name Name of the filter
Public Whether the filter is public
Type Type of the filter

Task Manager – Views

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Views columns.

Table 27-10 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Views

Column Name Description
Created By Name of the user who created the view
Created On Date and time when the view was created
Default Indicates whether the view is set as the default view
Description Description of the view
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the view
Last Updated On Date and time when the view was last updated
Name Name of the view
Public Indicates whether the view is public
Type Type of the view

Task Manager – Attributes

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Attributes columns.

Table 27-11 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Attributes

Column Name Description
Attachments Indicates whether the attribute has attachments
Calculation Indicates if the attribute is a calculation attribute
Created By Name of the user who created the attribute
Created On Date and time when the attribute was created
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the attribute
Last Updated On Date and time when the attribute was last updated
Lines Number of lines of text that are visible, without scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes
Locked Indicates whether the attribute is locked
Name Name of the attribute
Type Type of the attribute

Task Manager – Currencies

This section provides the definitions for the Task Manager Currencies columns.

Table 27-12 Column Definitions - Task Manager – Currencies

Column Name Description
Currency Code Country’s currency code that identifies the currency
Currency Symbol Currency symbol for the currency code
Decimal Places Indicates how to display numbers with decimal values
Description Name of the country associated with the currency code
Enabled Indicates whether the currency code is enabled