Creating a Profit Curve

To create a profit curve:

  1. From the Home page, select Intelligence.

  2. On the Profit Curves page, click Create (Add button).

  3. In the Create Profit Curve dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Name: The name of the profit curve.

    • Description (Optional): A note that describes the profit curve.

    • Enabled: If selected, it allows you to generate a profit curve.

    • Cube: Stores data and metadata. Select either the PCM_CLC calculation cube or the PCM_REP reporting cube. The profit curve pulls data from the cube you select. For more information on cubes, see Managing Cubes.

    • Data Form: The data form used to generated the profit curve.

      To select a data form:

      • Click the Select Data Form link.

        Data Form field with the Select Data Form link

      • In the Data Form dialog box, navigate to the desired form, select the form, and then click OK.

        Data Form dialog box with Profit Curve - All Customers selected

        The form you selected is displayed.

        Data Form field with the link to Profit Curve - All Customers

      After you select a data form, you can click actions menu), next to the form to analyze or edit the form.

    • Measure Dimension: A dimension in the data form. The profit curve pulls value from this dimension you select.

    • Measure Member: A member in the data form from which the profit curve pulls value.

    • Row Dimension: The row dimension in the data form from which the profit curve pulls value.

    • X Axis Label (Optional): A name for the horizontal axis (for example, customers, products, and so on.)

    • Y Axis Label (Optional): A name for the vertical axis (for example, profits, revenue, and so on).

  4. Click Save and Close.