Creating a Rule Set

To create a rule set:

  1. From the Home page, select Modeling, and then Designer.

  2. On the Waterfall Setup tab, click the Model drop-down, and select a model.

  3. Click plus icon, and select Rule Set.

  4. In the Definition tab, enter information about the rule set:

    • Rule Set: Enter a name for the rule set.

      For example, the BksML50 sample application provided with Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management has a rule set called "Occupancy Expense Allocations".

    • Description: Enter a description for the rule set.

      The description you enter here will appear in the Model Documentation report. Enter a description that will make the information about the rule set informative for anyone reviewing the model logic in the future. See Generating a Model Documentation Report.

      For example, a description for an Occupancy Expense Allocations rule set could be: "Occupancy expenses are reassigned from cost centers where the expenses are paid to the cost centers that use the facilities. A Rule Set Context is defined for Activity, Product, Customer, and Region dimensions to select the No<dimname> members as the dimensions are not used in these rules."

    • Sequence: Enter a number to determine the order in which the rule set will run. The sequence also determines the order in which the rule set is displayed on the Waterfall Setup tab. The sequence can be any whole number from 1 to 9999.

    • Enabled: If selected, the rule set will be active when the calculation is performed.

    • Use Model Context: If selected, the member selections done during model creation will apply to all the rules in the rule set. When you use a model context, you avoid having to select the same members for every rule, which saves time and ensures consistency. See Understanding Model and Rule Set Context.

  5. Select a Rule Set Calculation option:

    • Serial Calculation: Runs all rules in the rule set sequentially, depending on their sequence number.

    • Parallel Calculation: Runs rules with the same sequence number at the same time. The number of rules that can be executed in parallel is defined in the Calculation Threads setting in Application Settings. See About Managing Application and System Settings.

    • Iteratiave Calculation: Runs the rule set multiple times in sequence. If you select this option, enter the number of iterations to run. Iterative Calculations are used to resolve the impact of reciprocal allocation relationships in a model.

  6. Optional: In the Member Selections tab, create a Rule Set Context to define members for dimensions that will apply to all rules in the rule set. Defining default member selections saves you from having to select the members for a dimension each time the dimension is used in a rule. You can make default member selections for dimensions that are used in defining the source and destination in allocation rules or the target in custom rules. See Understanding Model and Rule Set Context.

    To define default member selections for the dimensions in a rule set:

    1. Click the Add Dimensions drop-down, and select a dimension.

    2. Click Select Member, and then click Invoke Member Selector icon.

    3. In the Select Members dialog box, select the member that you want to assign to the dimension, and then click OK.

      When making default member selections for a Rule Set Context, you can select only level 0 members. See Using the Member Selector for more information about using the Select Members dialog box.

  7. Click Save and Close.