
An organization is an entity comprising multiple people, tools, and vehicles that collectively operate as a unit toward a common goal. In other words, an organization is either a main company, a subdivision (Line of Business of an organization), or a third-party company that has a contract with the main company. An organization can have buckets, organization units, mobile workers, tools or vehicle associations.

An Organization can have buckets, organization units (Org Units), mobile workers, tools or vehicle associations. You must create an organization before adding any type of resource. There is one default organization and you can create additional organizations (in-house and contractor) to meet your operational needs. For example, if XYZ Inc., is the main organization, XYZ East Coast and XYZ West Coast could be subdivisions. The resources that are directly employed with the organization are known as in-house resources. The resources that are employed by a third-party company that subcontracts work are known as contractors. It is recommended that you create an organization for each contractor company. If the main organization cannot directly assign activities to contractor resources for legal reasons, it can assign activities to a bucket that contains contractors. Further, a mobile worker, tool or vehicle will automatically inherit the parent’s Organization, while a bucket or organization unit can be changed to any defined Organization in the system.