Create, Edit, or Delete Organizations

An Organization is a main company, a subdivision (Line of Business of an Organization), or a third-party company that has a contract with the main company. An Organization can have buckets, Organization units, field resources, tools, or vehicle associations. You can create, edit, or delete Organizations.

  1. Click Configuration > Organization.
    The Organizations page appears.
  2. Click Add New.
    The Add Organization dialog box appears.
  3. Enter the name of the Organization in the Name field. Enter the names in the corresponding language fields for languages other than English.
  4. Enter a label for the Organization in the Label field.
    This label will be used as the Organization identifier in APIs.
  5. Select the type of Organization from the Type drop-down list.
    The Organization type can be in-house or contractor.
  6. Click OK.
    The Organization is added to the list of Organizations.
    Note: You cannot add a new organization with the same label as an existing one, even if such an organization is deleted.
  7. To edit an Organization, click the Organization on the Organizations page.
    The Edit Organization dialog box appears. Edit as required and click Submit.
  8. To delete an Organization, click Remove on the Organizations page.
    You can remove only those Organizations that don't have field resources, tools, or vehicles assigned to them.